《与神同行2:因与缘》 《신과함께-인과 연》

《与神同行2:因与缘》 《신과함께-인과 연》

Image Source: https://movie.douban.com/photos/photo/2527205786/

This film is a sequel, the first address:

The second part is much richer and more complex than the first; In addition, in the form of performance added a lot of big special effects and funny scenes.

The second story is divided into two parts, one is the continuation of the first story, the head of the messenger as a defender, continue to lead the first series of male Lord brother through the judgment of the underworld, for early reincarnation; The other part is the emissary of the day and the emissary of the moon who carry out the mission to bring the old people in the world to the grave.

If the first one is about redemption, about reincarnation. So the second part is mainly about previous lives, about cause and effect. As the title of the film says, “cause and fate.” Three emissaries in the past life took place more than a thousand years ago in the koryo period, the story between them can be sung and cry, love and hatred earthshaking. In fact, there are no bad people in the world, but there are bad situations. So when you complain, feel resentment, and could not understand, think about everything upside down, stand in the other side’s point of view to think and interpret, may find the answer.

Causal is that how deep and make people searching for and the philosophy of exploring. The film from the hero past the enmity of evolution to the present to help people through the judgment of the king of underworld, combined with himself and life experience and profound feelings, explain the causal relationship between a good, story is very excellent and very complex, deep expression in the two hours of film and vivid interpretation, I admire the control ability of the writer and director.

Compared with the first film, the film also adds a lot of special effects, such as being hunted by dinosaurs, survival in the stormy waves and so on, is a feast of sight and hearing. The film also features a number of amusing scenes, such as poking fun at fund investments and concluding that buying a house or cryptocurrency are better than inveting fund. Let person could not help laughing.

To some extent, it can be said that the second film surpasses the first one, which is more shocking in terms of content and performance. The film has also won many awards and is highly recommended.

※ The following part is needed to put filled in and added to your text, as otherwise it will not be included later on phase II on Triple A.
※ 리뷰 하단에 다음 두가지 항목 포함 필수 (미포함 시 차후 자체사이트에 반영 안됨)
Movie URL: (https://www.dytt8.net)
Critic: AAA
영화 URL: (https://www.dytt8.net)
별점: AAA

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