

说实话,steem PC版的各种平台看上去都不太友好,操作也很简单,更多侧重在体现收益和互动方面,从区块链角度讲是广播效应,有些忽略应用本身的属性,比如内容分享平台更需要像传统blog那样提供友好的内容展现,便捷查询等等,再比如基于区块链的其他领域,像游戏、购物都应该如此(纯属个人观点)。

steemblog就是这样一个应用,近期文章,文章分类,文章归档,文章查询,标签展示,各功能模块排列清晰 ,操作简单一目了然,文章查询也非常便捷实用,真是居家生活,steem发烧友的必备良品!如图所示,再左侧最下方还提供标签的展示,由于截图大小限制下图中未体现。



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我在Team-cn认识了很多朋友,我非常同意这句话,Team-cn 的一個发展方向是成為新手 與社區的橋樑@honoru。


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How to analyze posts in steemit?

After posting more than 300 posts,I sometimes confused that what kind of contents I usually prefer to share,and how about my steem rewards.

I was tolded by @ericet, there is one website, This website not only could show the rewards ,but the account operations in real time.
That is so cool! How great the blockchain and steemit are! Thanks ericet!

Besides analyzing the rewards,I also want to analyze the contect of my posts,such as how the signs use ,what contents I post must more and so on. I am not sure if you also have this requests? and I think maybe this tool could occur soon.

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只有自己做的才可以被称之为“美食”,大家先别拍转哈 😄


现在如果有时间,我会自己炒几个菜,我觉得做饭是一种态度、不只是端端锅、挥挥勺,应该包括装备挑选 、食材采购、食材准备、烹炸蒸煮、灶台整理多层面全流程操作,所以做饭不只是技术活儿,更是一种生活 情趣,一种严谨的生活态度。(from my own post:

给大家分享一下红烧鸡翅根的做法,老北京做法。这属于炒冷饭,做法参照我过去发的帖子(from my own post
第一步:洗净鸡翅根,最好先把水控干,用油过一遍。目的:彻底去掉水分,使肉更磁实一些,便于上糖色 儿。现在我会用刀先把翅根斜切几刀,再放入盐和生抽腌制一会,这样做更便于入味。
第二步:炒糖色儿,在凉油中放入糖,用炒菜铁铲适度翻炒,待糖处于冒泡状态,放于鸡翅根,继续适度翻 炒,待糖色儿彻底裹紧鸡肉后,倒入酱油,再倒入开水,放葱姜蒜、倒入料酒。盖好锅盖适度焖上片刻。
第三步:把鸡翅移至高压锅,大概蒸15分钟左右,具体时间可适合个人情况调节,如果有老人和小孩品尝, 希望鸡肉更嫩一些,可以多蒸一会。


由于没有合适的图片,这里就帖一张姑且还说得过去的图片吧(also from my own post

来自于WhereIn Android

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About the steemit how impress me

I heared that the steemit is the first usable blockchain application in the world. That’s so cool.

I joined steemit in Feb.2018. In here, I could post and share all kinds of stories what I saw and heared. And I recognized so many friends all of the world. That’s indeed amazing.

The blockchain is the best tool not only to protect the copyright, but ensure the fair benefit of author.

However, I also known that just only more than one million accounts in steemit, and there are many duplicates as well. That’s seemed not suitable.

Therefore, I believe that only better and much more applications occurs, just like SCT, and more and more peoples know about steem and easily begin to use that, the steem could be accepted really. Let’s do our best to achieve that as soon as possible.

Thanks steemit! Thanks SCT!

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Hello SCT

Yesterday, heard about SCT from @ericet and @honoru. I am so excited about this.
And could not wait to impress this as soon as possible.

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