《羞辱》 《수모 를 당》
This is a thought-provoking and thoughtful film.
A Palestinian refugee in Lebanon who is a construction company contractor, a serious and responsible worker, In an overhaul he found a household sewer problems, suggest the owner of the owner to repair, but was outrageous refusal, contractor scolded him a similar “idiot” words, the story began.
The owner, who is a Christian, demanded that the contractor apologize in person, but when face to face, the Christian said an insult that the Palestinian refugees could not bear. Instead of apologizing in person, the contractor broke two ribs, and the contractor was sued by the christians.
It is not so much a lawsuit over humiliation as an ethnic conflict between Lebanese christians and Palestinian refugees over historical reasons
Depressing to think, for the full 120 minutes, As the plaintiff and defendant, the Palestinian refugees and the Lebanese christians completely let go in the hint of a smile at one another, the accused was acquitted, the plaintiff also relieved, shake hands with friends, not guilty decision is a victory for both the plaintiff and the defendant, the plaintiff from extreme hate Paris Stan refugees even interrupted two ribs, to help the Palestinian refugee to repair his car, moved by her daughter was born, see the growth of new life, is also a profound self-salvation; Innocent verdict actually means that people are innocent. In war, people are always the most innocent and hurt the most.
For people on both sides of the plaintiff and the defendant is a pair of father and daughter, grew up in different social background, for shame, nationalities, war and human nature have different feelings and understanding, I think this is the place where film design is very clever, finally the defendants acquitted, to the plaintiff and the defendant is a grief, for the father and the daughter as the defenders is also a kind of grief? The greatest part of human nature is understanding and tolerance.
Rather than exploring humiliation and nationalism, the film condemns war and any inhumane ACTS of thugs. War-torn people are always the most hurt, but humanity is great.
This is an excellent movie about war, culture and humanity, which is highly recommended.
※ The following part is needed to put filled in and added to your text, as otherwise it will not be included later on phase II on Triple A.
※ 리뷰 하단에 다음 두가지 항목 포함 필수 (미포함 시 차후 자체사이트에 반영 안됨)
Movie URL: (https://www.dytt8.net)
Critic: AAA
영화 URL: (https://www.dytt8.net)
별점: AAA
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