不能忘记的一段历史 A Part of History that Should Never be Forgotten

不能忘记的一段历史 A Part of History that Should Never be Forgotten

Liu Lianren, a native of Gaomi County, Shandong Province, was caught by the Japanese in September 1944, and then taken to a coal mine in Hokkaido as a coolie. In July 1945, he took the opportunity to run away to the deep mountains and forests in Hokkaido, where he stayed for 13 years untill he was found by a Japanese hunter. He didn’t know it was not long after he escaped that Japan announced unconditional surrender. He returned home in 1958, but he was not used to sleeping on the bed, just squatting all night in the corner… After a long time, he managed to live like a normal person.

In order to find justice and dignity for him, with the support of the whole nation and the help of Japanese friends, in March 1996, Liu Lianren filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government who still pleaded not guilty and did not compensate, and went to Japan to make statement before the court for three times.

On September 2, 2000, Liu Lianren died with hatred. Before his death, he told his son, “After I die, you must continue the lawsuit against Japan. If you die, your son will go on. We must bring the case to the end!”

His famous remark is that “One should have integrity, ambition and courage.”






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