《斯诺精神》英译文赏析 Appreciation of the English Translation of  Spirit of Edgar Snow

《斯诺精神》英译文赏析 Appreciation of the English Translation of Spirit of Edgar Snow




  1. Upon my graduation, he resigned the concurrent job and went to Yan’an where he wrote his masterpiece Red Star Over China.



2.We found the reception room in his Haidian residence more appealing than the classroom.



3.It was not until Smedley had left Peiping for Shanghai that Snow told me how apprehensive she had been that evening when I chatted about the novel, suspecting that I already knew her true identity.



4.He told me that instead of being contradictory to each other, literature and journalism were mutually complementary。

汉语喜欢动态和对比,但英语喜欢静态,也不喜欢重复,要主次分明。这样,“相辅相成”是重点,译成了主句; “并不相悖”是次要的,翻译成了介词短语。


5.Later I learned from Louis Snow’s work that when he was on his deathbed, a copy of Bernard Shaw’s work had been found lying by his pillow.


六、斯诺认为一个记者绝不可光追逐热门新闻,他还必须把人类的正义事业记在心头 。不能人云亦云,随波 逐流,必 须 有 自 己 独 立 的 见 解 观 点,必 须 有 良 知 和 正 义感。

6.He believed that a journalist should bear in mind the just cause of humanity instead of going after sensational reporting and that he should have independent views, good conscience and sense of justice instead of parroting other people’s opinions and following them blindly.

本来是bear sth in mind这种结构,但宾语太长,就采用了bear in mind sth这种形式。“必须”后面的内容是重点,所以翻译成了主句;而“决不可”、“不能”后面的内容是次要的,所以翻译成了介词短语。这就是英语中的主次分明,结构严谨。再者,汉语喜欢重复,“必须”就重复了三次,英语的should出现了两次。


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