2019-03-19 从旅游翻译看中英两种语言的差别 Differences between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Tourism Translation cn-curation
2019-03-18 跨文化比较(四):中国人的“和”、“合”与西方人的“独”、“立” Cross-cultural Comparison (4): the Harmony and Integration of the Chinese and the “Individualism” and Independence of the Westerners cn-curation
2019-03-16 跨文化比较(三):日本人的死板与中国人的灵活 Cross-cultural Comparison(3): Inflexible Japanese and Flexible Chinese cn-curation
2018-11-01 有感于华大基因等单位将国人的基因信息传递出境 BGI and Other Units Transmitting the Genetic Information of the Chinese People out of China cn-curation
2018-09-29 纪念改革开放四十周年有感 In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening-up cn-curation