中华泰山(一)   泰山概况  Mt. Tai of China(1) About Mt.Tai

中华泰山(一) 泰山概况 Mt. Tai of China(1) About Mt.Tai


Mt. Tai of China—the World Natural and Cultural Heritage, the World Geopark



Mt.Tai, known as Dongyue (Eastern Mountain), is located within the jurisdiction of Taian City, Shandong Province, with a total area of 426 square kilometers, and an elevation of 1545 meters of its highest peak. Mt. Tai is praised as “Head of the Five Sacred Mountains”, “the First Mountain under the Heaven”, “Chief of the Ten Famous Mountain of China” as well as “the Most Beautiful Place in China”.

The views of Mt. Tai are magnificent, and the remarkable altitude difference creates a variety of natural wonders, which are impressive, wonderful and amazing, such as the sunrise, the sunset, the sea of clouds, the Yellow River golden belt, Buddha’s light of Mt.Tai, age-old pine trees and strange stones, streams, waterfalls, peaks and valleys, etc. the colors of spring, summer, autumn and winter are special and colorful, making people amazed.



With a long and magnificent history and culture, Mt. Tai is known as “the Sacred Mountain of China”, “the Treasure of the Eastern History and Culture”, as well as “the Symbol of Chinese Nation’s Spirit”. Since ancient times it has been a place for kings and princes to offer sacrifice to the Heaven and Earth, as well as the common people to burn joss sticks for praying and blessing. Abundant stone inscriptions, historical relics, ancient shrines, temples and ancient trees have formed “the Culture of Mt. Tai” with strong local characteristics and extensive influence.

With nearly 3 billion years of long and complicated evolutionary history, Taishan Rock Group has become a natural laboratory for exploring the mysteries of the Early. It has been listed as “the World Geopark”.


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