我的奋斗经历 My Struggle Course

我的奋斗经历 My Struggle Course


Every struggle course is a history of suffering, but with the passage of time, those stories that have been engraved on your mind will become a treasure that pushes you forward.


  1. Staying the Night on the Stone Bench in Shandong Normal University


In 1999, I got a university diploma in higher education self-study examination, and got the qualification to apply for a bachelor’s degree. But it required to take an examination of a foreign language for obtaining such degree.


One day at the end of August 2000, I went to the examination center of Shandong Normal University ahead of time. The traffic wasn’t as developed as it is now. It’s only 17 minutes from Tai’an to Ji’nan by high-speed rail. It was the first time I came to the university campus, everything was so fresh and the atmosphere of learning was so strong. I turned around in the campus. It was really fascinating.


It was getting dark. I had to look for somewhere to stay in the evening. The little hotels outside the campus were unsafe, so I decided to stay inside the school. It was a pity that the apartment in the school was full, and even the shared house was full (15 yuan / person). I was sitting on the stone bench in the campus, thinking of the test tomorrow, and wanting to rest early. Taking off the short-sleeved shirt and covering myself up, I lay down and fell asleep—the Shanshan brand shirt was given to me by the elder aunt of my daughter, and I was too fond to wear it on weekdays. When I woke up, it was already three or four in the morning, after all, it was at the end of August, I felt a bit cold in the middle of the night.


I got up and walked up and down the square where stood a statue of Chairman Mao. Up until six or seven there were pedestrians on the road at last, and the snack stand at the school gate opened. I had breakfast and prepared for the examination.


In 2001, I received the Bachelor of Arts degree.


  1. Sitting Overnight Near the Campus Entrance of Shandong Unive!rsity


In October 2001, laid off by downsizing, I had to leave the original department work to do another work in four shifts. Because I was going to take the postgraduate pre-exam tutorial class, I had no choice but agreed to go to work shifts after I attended the tutorial class.


The first day of the tutorial was scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., but the tutor was coming from Zhengzhou, the train was delayed and it was already 9 p.m. after the tutorial ended.


The foreign language school was at the old campus of Shandong University, having an antique flavour and the architectural style which seemed to fit the foreign language school. Looking at the students quietly reading in such big study room, how envious I was!

校门口附近有几个石凳子,我坐在那里忧心忡忡。回去上四班,孩子那么小,谁来照看呢?如果考不上就真的没有退路了…… 想着想着,竟有些困意打了个盹,忽听女儿喊爸爸的声音,一下子惊醒来,原来是旁边玩耍的小女孩在喊她的爸爸。

There were several stone benches near the school gate. I sat there worrying. Going back to work in four shifts, my daughter was so young, who would take care of her? If I failed the graduate test, there really was no route of retreat…I found myself falling asleep, suddenly hearing my daughter shouting Daddy. I woke up with a start, finding that it was the little girl playing nearby shouting her father.


I walked aimlessly along the road near the school gate. I was afraid to go too far for safety reasons. Sitting on the side of the road, I spent the night with my head on the knees when feeling sleepy. There were patrolling police walking past, and after they read my ID card, and asked a few words, they walked away. Not just to save the dozens of dollars of accommodation fee, but I really didn’t even bother to find a place to pass the night.


When I came back, I learned that when my daughter couldn’t find me at night, she cried for a long time, holding the English book. She said her father often read the book when he was at home. It seemed that her father was gone forever…


On October 30, 2001, I began to work in four shifts. By the time I got my grades, I had been in this work for half a year. Politics 65 points, Japanese 80 points, but my major courses were not good. After all, it was all by my self-study, and it was hard to make a big improvement in a short time.


Exactly a year later, on October 30, 2002, I resigned and was employed by an international trading company. At this time, my daughter attended primary school.


In 2003, I passed the examination and got into the government office.


To this day, I have not given up learning. I think, struggle is a lifelong thing.


Attached: Admission Card for Postgraduate Entrance Examination, and Introductioon of Department of Foreign Languages of Shandong University from a newspaper—I stuck them on my dictionary which was completely dog-eared.


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