潇洒的你印着环境的痕迹 You are Marked with Environmental Traces







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万物相生相克 Everything Counteracting Each Other




凉性粮食:大米等 (据说大米粒是从稞的上面往下长,所以是凉性的)





温热性蔬菜:扁豆、青菜、黄芽菜、芥菜、香菜、辣椒、韭菜、南瓜、蒜苗、 蒜苔、大蒜、大葱、生姜等



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我对Steemit 的感受 My Feeling about Steemit

Steemit就是一个平台、一个舞台,每个人都可以上台展示自己的才华才艺,表演完毕回到台下又都是评委。表演获得的得分或收益是根据给你点赞的人数及其SP(Steemit Power)来定的。评委们是否赞同你的表演,一是你的才艺水平,二就是评委们的喜好了。

有的选手一上台,欢呼声震耳欲聋,振臂一呼,应者云集,followers 成百上千。也有的表演(文章),收入在上百元、上千元,甚至几千元,令我诧异。自己辛苦劳作,再翻译成英文,一篇文章到最后收入还不到0.2美元。相比之下,说实话,也多少有点不平衡了。不过,细想一下,也就释然了。

凡存在的就是合理的。尽管是非唯物论,确有其道理。It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good. 正确的翻译是:无论是怎样的歪风,也不见得每个人都吹得不舒服。也就是说,无论怎样的正风,也不见得每个人都吹得舒服。同样,It’s a good workman that never blunders. (无论是怎样的工人也是会犯错误的。)









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窥一斑而见全豹 You May Know by a Handful the Whole Sack


二、有一次,毛主席在讲解农民运动的革命知识,正值兴致之处,忽然传来了呼噜声,见一人已趴在桌子上睡着了。众人面面相觑,不想毛主席轻声说道:“可能他太累了,我们小一点声,让他好好休息一会。休息好了,他就能好好听我们上课了。” 这就是伟人的与众不同之处,时时为人着想,永远站在一个高的角度来看问题。

三、我曾有个同事,姓蔡名华,工程师职称,我们便称呼他为蔡工。有一次,我同他一块去市场买菜,看到有卖菜花的,他便问道:“这花菜多少钱?” 我忽地一愣,这不是菜花吗,难道也叫花菜?我一想,笑了,竟与他名字同音。也可能真地也叫花菜,只是我孤陋寡闻罢了。


四、广东恒大地产、江苏润恒物流都在我区投资建设了新的项目,今天是润恒农产品市场开幕式。我从开幕式上回来在食堂吃饭,邻桌的不知为哪个部门的两个人谈论了起来:“今天恒大开业,你去了吗?” “唉,什么恒大,是恒润!你怎么连这个也不知道!”此人斩钉截铁。我在一旁无语。看来,不懂装懂也害人啊!


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中华泰山(五)泰山石 Mt. Tai of China (5) Taishan Stone

Since ancient times, people have regarded Taishan as a sacred mountain, a holy mountain, and a soul mountain, making Taishan become so widely admired.

Chinese people tend to describe a situation as being as stable as Taishan Mountain or a matter as being as weighty as Taishan Mountain, giving clear evidence of such an impression.

It is true that overlooking the surrounding mountains on top of Taishan is just like in the blue sky–the rolling clouds below, looking like the sea or reefs, giving people a kind of feeling that they are walking on air. No wonder that the emperors of all dynasties come to perform grand ceremony of worship of heaven on Taishan Mountain to pray and say thanks for peace and prosperity travelling a long way and going through rivers and mountains. They regard Taishan as a ladder to Heaven, so climbing Taishan is like going up to the sky.



Taishan comprises the three worlds: the Heaven, man’s world and the Hell. Climbing over the South Gate to Heaven, you enter into the world of Heaven. From South Gate to Heaven down to Haoli Mountain is the man’s world, and from Haoli Mountain to Naihe Rive, the Hell. The paradise that people long for is in the clouds, but ancient buildings on the Jade Emperor Peak constitute the landscape with mountains and rivers, which is real.

The masterpiece of Creation of the Gods starts with an introduction of Coiled Dragon Mountain ( Wuyan Mountain within the territory of Culai Mountain). At that time the king Zhou of Shang came to burn joss sticks, after seeing that the Goddess was very beautiful, he wanted to tease her by writing freely a poem on the wall. When she returned to the palace and saw the writing, the Goddess was so angry that she sent a fox in the mountain to become Daji, who later brought calamity to the country and destroyed the king of Zhou.

Later, Jiang Ziya rewarded the meritorious ministers in Taishan, so Taishan became the divine land. The book Journey to the West was also a myth and legend modeled on Taishan, which had clothed it in strong superstition colors.

Why did the Goddess use the colored stones of Taishan to patch the sky, instead of stones from other places? Didn’t it further confirm that Taishan stones worked?


The three great buildings in China—Tiankuang Palace, Hall of Great Achievement, and Emperor’s Audience Hall all used Taishan stones as the foundation. After the founding of the people’s Republic of China, the Great Hall of the People and the Monument to the People’s Heroes were all based on the Taishan stones. Mao Zedong Memorial Hall was made of Taishan (Culai Mountain )granite.

It is thus clear that what a position the Taishan stone is occupying in the minds of the people.



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中华泰山(四)泰山彩石溪 Mt. Tai of China (4) Taishan Colorful Stone Stream

Located in the Taishan Peach Blossom Valley Scenic Spot, Taishan Colorful Stone Stream, with a total length of five kilometers, is a landmark of the World Geological Park and National Geopark. It’s a stunning spectacle by nature for nearly three billion years.

The water is running on the stones, and the stones go under the water. Along the stream you can enjoy the sight of colorful strip stones.

Getting into Taishan Colorful Stone Stream, and strolling on the stone-paved tour road, you can enjoy the scene of peach blossoms’ falling off like blood rain, which changes with the season.

No matter when you go or choose what kind of form to visit Colorful Stone Stream Scenic Spot, it will give you a wonderful sight.


水在石上流 石在水下走。





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