2017-09-03 英国留学生康可:我有一颗中国心 I Have a Chinese Heart--Cameron Patterson, a British Student Studying in China cn
2017-09-03 中华泰山(二)泰山石敢当 Mt. Tai of China(2) Shigandang of Mount Tai (Non-material Cultural Heritage) cn
2017-08-31 与君初相识,犹如故人归 ——纪念与Steemit 相识一个月 The First Meeting with You is Like the Return of an Old Friend --In Memory of Getting to Know Steemit for a Month cn
2017-08-30 困难是重量,更是能量。安逸是享受,会更难受。 Difficulties are weight, and energy. Comfort is pleasure, but suffering. cn