Taishan Tofu

Taishan Tofu


There are three beauties in Taian City of which the local people are proud: Chinese cabbage, tofu and Taishan spring water. Li Bai and Du Fu, two great poets of Tang Dynasty, had visited Taishan (Mt. Tai) for many times and tried out all sorts of dishes made from the three beauties.

Taishan tofu has a history of more than two thousand years. Tofu (豆腐) in Chinese implies the meaning of “All are happy”, and is also the symbol of happiness.

Snow-white and tender, Taishan tofu has some characteristics, such as high yield, high elasticity, delicious flavour and rich nutrition, and it is not easy to become hardened and broken after a long time cooking.

Furthermore, the groundwater used to make Taishan tofu comes from the springs of Taishan Mountain, which is known as “magic water of Taishan” for its freshness and sweetness. Hence, Taishan tofu is also called “magic tofu of Taishan”.

The particular making process of Taishan tofu includes simple grinding, fine grinding, cooking, adding gypsum, and shaping.

The concrete making method of Taishan tofu:

  1. Simple grinding. Press the high-quality soybeans into soybean grits by the use of a stone roller which are produced in the North and carefully chosen.

  2. Fine grinding. Put the soybean grits into water for half a day, grind them into milk in a stone roller, and squeeze the soybean milk out from the soybean milk bag.

  3. Boiling the soybean milk. Put the soyabean milk in a large iron pot, boil the soybean milk by burning the fruit tree branches, and pour the boiled soybean milk into a big vat with the ladle.

  4. Adding gypsum. Adding gypsum into the big vat of soybean milk. The white power on scale is gypsum, the key to turn soy milk into tofu.

  5. Shaping. Put a piece of cloth on the bottom of the wooden bean curd mold, pour the jellied bean curd into the mold, cover it with a cloth, put the board on it, and press it with a stone.






  1. 碾糁。精选北方优质黄豆,在石碾上压成豆糁;
  2. 磨浆。将豆糁放入水中浸泡半天后,在石磨上磨制成浆,然后经过摋豆浆包挤压出浆;
  3. 煮浆。将豆浆放在大铁锅里,用木柴最好是果树枝子烧煮豆浆,将煮熟的豆浆用瓢浇入大缸内;
  4. 下膏。将浇入大缸内的豆浆“下膏”,让豆浆凝固成豆腐脑;
  5. 成型。将木质的豆腐模具底部铺上一块布,将豆腐脑倒进模具里,上面再盖上布,放上木板,用石头压住。

黄豆.jpg 图一 黄豆

第一步,碾糁。精选北方优质黄豆,在石碾上轧成豆糁。(1. Simple grinding)

磨豆浆.png 图二 磨浆

第二步,磨浆。将浸泡后的豆糁在石磨上磨制成浆。(2.Fine grinding)

煮豆浆.png图三 煮浆

第三步,煮浆。将磨好的豆浆放在大铁锅里煮。(3. Boiling the soybean milk)

下膏.png 图四 下膏

第四步,下膏。将浇入大缸内的豆浆下膏。(4.Adding gypsum)

豆腐.jpg图五 成型



Now we have made it!

Taishan tofu tastes more fresh and tender. Welcome to China, welcome to Taishan.

Brief Biography of @bring—Old Wu, or 老吴 in Chinese: Old Wu, male, born on Dec. 12, 1968, Chinese nationality, is a good man and has been studying English for over 30 years. He teaches himself English, and he does not believe in fate, so he keeps working hard. Humorous and optimistic, he will become your good friend.

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