三十年河东三十年河西 The pendulum has swung back

三十年河东三十年河西 The pendulum has swung back

As the saying goes, the pendulum has swung back. But now I’m afraid it will take less than ten years for the pendulum to swing back.

My colleague Ms. Guan’s husband is an associate professor at Taishan University; from her we know that her husband’s university is undergoing a huge change. The system of competition for positions will be introduced, including the implementation of fixing teaching posts, defining personnel quota, fixing duty and determining remuneration, signing a contract with a term of 4 years, publishing relevant papers during the tenure, etc. in order to achieve the target.

University campuses and hospitals, taking the lead, are beginning to undergo major changes.

Government bodies and public institutions, which have always been regarded as the iron rice bowl, will also usher in earthshaking changes.

So, it is undoubtedly a head-on blow to the people who have gotten in by the back door, live comfortbly and drift along without worrying about their lives.

Nowadays, the world is changing with each passing day, and the change has become a strong color and theme.

The wave of reform has come. If you want to become a pioneer, instead of being drown in the tide, the best way is to learn the skills.

The one without real qualifications will find no place in the world. This is the progress of the society!










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