What on Earth is Writing for? 写作,究竟为了什么?

What on Earth is Writing for? 写作,究竟为了什么?

When a man reads much, he has many words to say, some feelings to express, and finally some articles to write. Of course, he or she can share the joy of the heart with his sworn friends or her girlfriends. But in the end you will find that the understanding listeners are extremely rare, and some things can only be said to yourself, so there will be a diary and some writing.

“Like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat –it is necessary to give vent to my pent-up feelings.” I can’t find the source of this sentence. I vaguely remember that the writer Zhao Shuli has made such a similar statement in an interview.



What exactly is writing for? After all, it is to please yourself, not to please others. It is to express the passionate feelings, dispel all your inner pains and anger, all for yourself, rather than get some garish things, make a fuss, and even give up your insistence in order to attract readers, upvote and money.

I am reluctant to see this phenomenon on Steemit:

All day long, wondering how to set an attractive subject, write articles that people like, and put on dizzy beautiful pictures.

What’s the difference between this approach and playing to the gallery?

The writer Chen Zhongshi spent six years in finishing the writing of “White Deer Plain”, including two years of gathering materials for his book.

Therefore, people who really love reading and writing can only calm down and adhere to their original intention, never following others’ words or walking.







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