東京貨幣博物館 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 Tokyo Currency Meseum

東京貨幣博物館 🍙 Dean's Tokyo Snapshots 🍙 Tokyo Currency Meseum

I highly recommend all of you who visits Tokyo can spare 1-2 hours to have a look at this Currency Meseum in Tokyo.

First of all, It’s free of charge! Secondly, I suppose since you are interested in crypto, you would want to know more about the history of money, but of course this place focuses mainly on how the idea of money evolved in Japan’s history, which is still a very interesting topic! Thirdly, if you go with kid(s), don’t worry! They also offer some game-like activities for kids to play with!

Since taking photos is not allowed inside the building, I can only show you the entrance and some flyers I took from this museum.

This page concludes the history of money in Japan, but it says NOTHING about bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, so I guess this is what we are all trying to change - one day, they will find the need to edit this page and add this revolutionary change to the history of money!!!



所以,這應該就是我們努力的目標吧!總有一天,這間博物館會發現,不放入比特幣的話,他們自己就會走入歷史啦~~~ ^_^

this Dean’s Tokyo Snapshots series ( #dean-tokyo as a specific tag) is my photographic diary for my family trip to Tokyo. The trip is over but I will continue to share my thoughts and photos … Apologies first since some of these will be written in Chinese only…

日本旅遊已結束,繼續以此系列紀錄日本之行…. ^^


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