[EpicDice] 內心不夠亂,暫時停止營業

[EpicDice] 內心不夠亂,暫時停止營業


@everyone, we have good news and bad news for you.

The bad news is, after some in-depth investigation we concluded our game is exploited due to we are using the simplest provably-fair mechanism. All the game result is solely relying on the blockchain transaction ID. We thought it was random and hard enough for bad actors to game the system but apparently, it wasn’t. We will have to halt the platform until a new mechanism is being implemented, and this is going to be the team’s top priority now.

The good news is, the house fund wasn’t completely drained so we are ready to come back strong as soon as the system is patched. And for those who previously suspect EpicDice is not playing fair, this is the best(or worst) example to prove our claim: Absolute fairness. Even in such event where the randomness of transaction ID is exploited, house is on the vulnerable side. We were truly running the best ever gambling service in term of everything we can.

This is not the end. We will come back stronger and better. Thanks for the support.

簡而言之 (本來寫比較長,但被SCT的submit系統搞丟文章 >_<),被人利用算法機制的弱點突破了。

好奇的話,你可以參考這一篇:Epic Dice shut down due to witness cheating

簡單說一下,事情是這樣的。有位見證人mys,找出ED利用Steem txid產生數字過程的瑕疵,利用見證人的方便,送出自己希望的txid,大量用1 STEEM左右,贏得100 STEEM,大約進行27次後,被人舉報,平台因此暫停檢視,發現此一重大漏洞。




歡迎挑戰! 有想法可以告訴我或是 @fr3eze,我個人提供 30 STEEMs 作為獎勵,如果你的想法被採納或是對於最後採納的方案有所幫助都可以 (由ED團隊認定)!

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