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A Sunday $5 SBD Giveaway if you recognize this cafe #3 週日咖啡廳猜謎來了!

A Sunday $5 SBD Giveaway if you recognize this cafe #3 週日咖啡廳猜謎來了!

Last Week on Sunday Giveaway… 回顧一下上週週日猜謎

A Sunday $5 SBD Giveaway if you recognize this cafe #2 週日咖啡廳猜謎又來了!

Interesting enough, this time the winner @borishaifa also blogged about how he had managed to recognize this cafe by some techniques of Googling and the spirit of NEVER GIVE UP! See below. 上週結果也是頗有趣。雖然難度不高,但是贏家 @borishaifa 並不是因為去過而認出的,是靠著他敏銳的觀察力與Google一起找出的,他也一樣發了帖談這個過程,請看以下。

How I Have Won A Prize 5SBD Today!

Two winners so far, @adamt and @borishaifa both won the prize by their shrewd observation. Congratulations to them again! This time I am hoping again that someone from the cn community can win this prize but of course EVERYONE is welcome to join! 恭喜之前的得獎者,但這次真的希望cn區的人可以猜中了!

This one should be a harder one but if you have been there then it is highly likely that you remember it. Needless to say, it is a Starbucks as you can see from the photos. 這次或許難一點,但是只要你去過這間星巴克(照片就可以看到),你一定會記得的!

So, the First CLUE is that it is in Southern China. Same rules apply (exactly where it is and the first one gets it right wins the prize). $5 SBD up for grabs. Don’t miss out!第一個提示是:這是在中國南方。先猜中這是哪一間星巴克者可得$5 SBD!別再錯過啦!

Please note that I won’t update in at least 8 hours as I need to sleep now (actually I wasn’t going to do it this week as I have a flu recently but coughing made me sleepless so here it is again). 得去睡覺了,起床上網後沒人猜到才有第二波提示。






We have a WINNER!! Congrats to @kiryck !! Well done! Make it right at no time but I went to sleep already… Shamian is a small island at the mouth of the famous pearl river in Guangzhou (capital of Guangdong). It used to be international settlements of the British and the French for more than 80 years… that explains the European style buildings around. Here is a blog by a Taiwan tourist with many good photos there.

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