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A Wish to have a Steemit-backed FREE Star Wars Mooncake before coming Moon festival 中秋免費月餅之願 추석소원

A Wish to have a Steemit-backed FREE Star Wars Mooncake before coming Moon festival 中秋免費月餅之願 추석소원

Happy Holidays! 中秋節快樂!행복한추석 !!

Starting from tomorrow is Taiwan’s 4-day holiday for the mid-autumn festival. Family and friends get together to watch the full moon and eat mooncakes, pomelos… and often hold BBQ party as well. There have been and will be a couple of Mid-Autumn festival or Mooncakes posts recently especially if you check the cn tag,  so I won’t bother explain what it is or the story with a beautiful lady, a woodman and a rabbit (no, no werewolves ok!?). I just want to make a wish to this amazing community before I enjoy the coming holidays. Here is why…

My wife bought a special mooncake yesterday. I was excited after I saw it and said to her: “let me share this on Steemit and you might be able to get your money back!” Well, needless to say, she gave me another scornful look again (feel familiar!? see here) and left with a couple of laughs. This is understandable as I never withdraw any significant cash from Steem and gave it to her. This time I hope to impress her so she can be more supportive of my steemit activities like taking photos when we eat out and staring at laptop for hours without moving… 

The Product - Maxim’s Star Wars Lava Chocolate Mooncake

Ok. What is this special mooncake that makes me so excited!? May I present you the Star Wars Lava Chocolate Mooncake from Hong Kong’s famous Maxim’s food company (bought in Taiwan)!!   




Let’s unpack it and reveal the LAVA!

Check this out… It’s the Emblem of the Galactic Republic!! (see here) Eat it and you are one of us… 


Cut it open so the chocolate lava erupts!  


You can compare it with normal mooncakes… boring package… but, well, taste better!!


My Full Moon Wish

The price for this Star Wars Lava Chocolate Mooncake is TWD$749 (source). According to today’s TWD/USD exchange rate, it is roughly USD $23.6, which according to current USD/SBD rate is around $27 SBD. If I am going to receive $27 SBD from this post, then its payout has to exceed $27*2/75%=$72

Therefore, I am making a wish here: please hear my wish all big whales out there… make this post pass the $72 market so I can get $27 SBD and turn it into BTC, USD, TWD… Then I can show it to my wife and say: see!? By introducing this interesting mooncake, Steemit can generate the value to make this mooncake absolutely FREE! 

MY FULL MOON WISH: please help this post pass $72 ! 

If this wish is to be granted by our dear whales, then I will donate the same amount of SBD from this post into my charity fund for children welfare (you can check this memo). But of course I need some time to save up to do that as the $27 SBD will be cashed out to be the evidence of “Steemit works!!” in my family courtroom. 

Oh, I include the cn tag and kr tag so friends from these two communities can help this wish come true since we all share this festival together: 中秋節快樂!행복한추석 (forgive me if google is wrong… :P)!! Thanks a million for your help!! 

This is my son turned into Darth Vader: “please give my mother a Steemit-ba(c)ked mooncake!!


Teachings from Master Yoda …  


Happy Moon Festival to Every Steemians Out There!!

Note. after submission I just found out that my friend @ace108 has posted about this mooncake 2 weeks ago (here). Glad he didn’t really purchase it but just mentioned it. So there is still a distinction. check it out! @ace108 (you were posting mooncakes 2 weeks ago!?)

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