This is a playful post. Not technical at all. A poem in Chinese. English explanation and translation is given below the photo.
前兩天在飯店的cafe消磨了半個下午,小酌了一點。看著一些區塊鏈的資料,看多了「區塊鏈」這三個字,不禁習慣性地想把它拆解一番,想著想著,最後寫出這篇小玩意兒。不登大雅之堂,難以稱詩,玩弄文字詩,那就勉強吧。棄之可惜,還是寫出來供大家娛樂一下吧!說明一下,就是把「區塊鏈」這三個字 (當然是繁體,簡體就不能這麼拆了) 逐個拆開看,並將之與區塊鏈性質相關連。
區字 打破人為的國家邊界
塊字 釋放空間對人類才智的限制
鏈字 描繪世界多元價值的即時銜接疊加
區 塊 鏈
note. 還是多此一舉解釋一下:1. 區字右邊是開放的,讓三口可以自由出入;2. 兩儀比喻0跟1
The above is a word playing poem for blockchain in (traditional) Chinese. It was written during days ago when I spent an afternoon in a hotel cafe. Me and my wife had some drinks (for the record, she, not me :), ordered this apple cider and I had beer but her drink looks better so I put it here) and I read some articles on blockchain. After seeing this term in Chinese (區塊鏈,pronounced as Chiu Kuai Lian or Qu Kuai Lian) repetitively, I got naughty and tried to dismantle these three words and combined it with blockchain’s potential impact and influences to write up this ‘poem’ (it is harder to do so in English … what can you dismantle from it other than block and chain?). I quickly revised a Google-translated draft to finish with the following English version. Just to give you some idea of what I write in the Chinese one.
Mouth (口) for people, three for all
Chiu (區) the word breaks the artificial state boundaries
The sound of public opinion, free flow of global opinion
Soil (土) for the region, ghost (鬼) for talent
Kuai (塊) the word releases human intelligence from space limitation
All so eye-catching, wisdom and art burst and intensify in all dimensions
Gold (金) for value, connecting (連) streams
Lian (鏈) the word depicts the instantaneous cascading of the world’s multiple values
From binary to omnipresent, ecosystems create a new era of individuality
Appeared in the past, coming from the future, to the present
隨筆之作,歡迎指教意見。:) Thank you for reading!
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