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Alternative SBD that you don't want :)  這種SBD還是不用了吧!? :)

Alternative SBD that you don't want :) 這種SBD還是不用了吧!? :)

Everybody here knows what SBD is. So I hope this news can makes you smile on this special day - Smile Day, is it? 聽說今天是國際微笑日,希望這篇報導可以讓你微笑一下。關於SBD。


The following news report (in Chinese) comes from Taiwan’s online news: ettoday.net (link in the title). I will translate in the following. 

燒錢啦!人妻把萬元鈔票藏電鍋 一煮飯就焦焦脆脆了




The following is my own translation of the news (Aug 2016).

Mr and Mrs Wang in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China (mainland) left their hometown half an year ago to work in an industrial park away from home. As they often have friends visiting to the place where they rented, Mrs Wang decided to hide their hard earned money inside their rice cooker/steamer (use water steam to cook rice- my note) when there were guests in the house. One day when they were preparing for a meal… suddenly they smelled something burning and realized that they forgot to take the money out before cooking. Mrs Wang immediately pulled the plug of the steamer but a wad of hundred Chinese yuan bills had been ‘cooked’ and some were completely burnt. They brought the charred remains to a bank and the staff was able to help exchange 18 out of 24 damaged bills and recommended the couple to put their spare money in banks in the future (are you sure banks are safe? - my note). 

So, in this story, they lost 600 Chinese yuan (RMB), roughly $90 USD, or $95 SBD at the moment. And all the money actually became…


Steam(er) Baked (Chinese) Dollars… S.B.D.  … S.B.D .… S.B.D…. 

This post is dedicated to World Smile Day… according to @solarguy , check it here: 

Happy World Smile Day!! (Win $5sd)

Also, there is no “SBD” payout for this post. Thank God it is all SPs. :)

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