2017-07-12 🎈 My Milestone - Rep 70 - An HF19, 100% Upvotes and SBDs Giveaway!! 🎈 慶賀七十,HF19,100%點讚與SBD大贈送!🎈 steemit
2017-07-10 解不開的黑箱-也來說一下Price Feed,呼應O小嬸「也来说一下帖子的奖励」A Try to Decipher the Price Feed and Sharing with CN Newbies cn
2017-07-03 🚉 [輕旅行系列] 淡水,馬偕教堂 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Chapel of Presbyterian Church by Reverend Mackay, Tamsui travel
2017-07-01 🚉 [輕旅行系列] 台中,鐵路排骨便當與珍珠奶茶 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Taichung, Railway Rice Box and Bubble Tea travel
2017-06-27 Cha Cha Thé - When the East meets the West and When Literature meets Delicacy 采采 - 當東方遇見西方 當文學遇上食茶 food
2017-06-26 [Luxury Hotel Series] 🏩 Intercontinental Budapest 🏩 The Room - #myeuropaplog series 布達佩斯洲際酒店-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 travel