[Blockchain ABC] Centralization v Decentralization

[Blockchain ABC] Centralization v Decentralization

# Centralization

- where everyone receives commands from the leader to perform individual tasks arranged by the authority.
- It’s efficient. It looks powerful. But it fails to utilize the information and the creativity inside this system of people and only requires versatile human beings to act like stupid monotonic machines…


while ….
# Decentralization

- looks messy, chaotic and random, but it gets the job done as well
- everyone acts according to his/her own will and under some loose rules like “do not hinder others”, the system miraculously performs well
- no leader needed and everyone feels free and hence becomes responsible in the long run.


#blockchain-abc is an experimental series of mine that tries to capture some good, considered by me, metaphors or examples that occur to me relating to the blockchain world…

images - pixabay

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