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Butterfly kids and blue bugs ... amazing insect world  微觀的春蟲世界

Butterfly kids and blue bugs ... amazing insect world 微觀的春蟲世界

Recently I have seen many of @pfunk ‘s amazing photos on … well,…. insects… obviously we are no experts on this and seriously there are all kinds of bugs out there that I only know very very limited species. But we have sensitive eyes to appreciate the beauty nourished by mother nature. His works reminds me of my earlier shots in spring this year. Of course, mine photos were taken by my not-so-smartphone but it is enough to show you those incredible bugs! 最近看到 @pfunk 有許多拍攝昆蟲的照片,非常精彩。讓我想起半年前的春天之際,曾在市郊小山上拍攝的各種蟲子,所以把他們找了出來。蟲子世界其實非常複雜,通常我們就是欣賞,而且還不能用一般的美感,得去想像大自然神奇的生物雕工,創造出這麼多奇幻怪形的生物!這些照片是用我的笨手機拍的,自然不能與專業相機比擬,但只是要分享蟲子之怪與美的話,那也是夠了…

First, the caterpillars. Here they are having meals… The fruits look really yummy, don’t they? 第一張是蟲蟲用餐,看那什麼果的,是不是也讓你覺得很好吃的感覺?


Take a closer look. All hairy and crawly…. 近看一點,這種毛毛蟲最多,山上步道欄杆滿滿都是。


Looks like three of them (yeah, notice the little red one) are discussing something down there… the middle one is so spectacular! 這張是三蟲聚首,中間的非常怪而華麗,旁邊還有個小個頭的紅蟲子。


If you want to see the caterpillar crawling… you can view it from this link. 如果你想看看毛蟲爬,可以點這個連結


Ok. then we have blue bugs… They are also abundant. Mostly on leafs (seem to be their food). They look like blue gems. 接下來是都一樣但非常美的藍色蟲子,大概水滴般大小,在葉子上特別多,估計是吃樹葉的。




These photos were taken on a hill in southern Taipei. You can have a good view from above looking down at the crowded houses and apartments. A little bit messy indeed. Urban renewal is currently an urgent public issue for Taipei.  這些都是在台北南邊的仙跡岩小山上拍的。仙跡岩的仙指的是呂洞賓,跡是足跡,山上有的岩石痕跡據說是他留下的腳印… 往下看就是台北文山區,房子並不美,台北房子平均都已經40幾歲了,未來都市更新是重要公共議題… 不過,蟲子可不管呢…


Hope you enjoy it. 

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