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[DrugWars] Battle Simulation 戰事模擬:@travelgirl來襲!

[DrugWars] Battle Simulation 戰事模擬:@travelgirl來襲!



別緊張,別緊張~~ 我們沒有真的打起來~~怎麼可能呢?同是CN區真假美女,本是同根生,相打何必呢?呵呵呵~~

我只是今天又忍不住在思考戰事策略,突發奇想,把中文玩DW的玩家裡,找個假想敵來模擬一番,比較有意思一點~~ 大概,就我知道,排名最前的是 @mochabe,但他太早上百人榜,主動被動打仗下,兵力折損不少。

看來看去,以長期養精蓄銳的電玩美少女 @travelgirl兵力最多最強。用腦子假設一下我們兩美互打,也是蠻有趣的嘛~~呵呵呵~~ 不然誰能跟我拼呢?

先來看看兩軍配置:T軍為攻擊方(攻守無差異性),為首的20隻大火箭砲跟47個大媽,實在是氣勢太驚人了!!攻擊跟防守都超級強啊!後面好多上百的精兵,22隻傭兵跟55個狙擊手,都令人膽戰心驚哪!看來D軍情況不妙啊~~D軍配置上,多半略遜於T軍,唯獨150隻忍者部隊比較驚人(p.s.來自快速搶劫年代的殘留)~~ 看來D軍凶多吉少!!

Attacker: @travelgirl

螢幕快照 2019-03-14 下午3.43.58.png

Target: @d-company

螢幕快照 2019-03-14 下午3.43.29.png




呼,嚇的我一身冷汗(演的啦)~~ 怎麼運氣這麼好呢?其實,要不是戰事限制五回合打完,我應該是慘慘勝的喔!(結果T軍剩下一個大媽,我剩下幾十人)



亦即,如果T均稍微調整一下陣容,甚至是少帶一些兵之類的,說不定都可以勝利喔!例如,我嘗試了,把T軍64隻Rowdy不帶去,則反而拿下勝利呢!(因為對戰組合都變化了)反之,我也可以調整我的陣容,說不定會五回合前就勝出…. 不過,我猜測,如果陣容等級差太多,就比較難反敗為勝了~~ 所以,提高兵力還是一個提高勝率的保證。

Fight start

Round 1 start
[attacker] 64 x rowdy attack +128
[attacker] 369 x bouncer attack +2214
[attacker] 277 x knifer attack +3324
[attacker] 47 x big_mama attack +564
[attacker] 37 x ninja attack +1850
[attacker] 141 x gunman attack +3525
[attacker] 55 x sniper attack +2200
[attacker] 1 x hitman attack +30
[attacker] 20 x bazooka attack +2900
[attacker] 20 x mercenary attack +2400
[target] 321 x rowdy attack +642
[target] 360 x bouncer attack +2160
[target] 80 x knifer attack +960
[target] 20 x big_mama attack +240
[target] 150 x ninja attack +7500
[target] 120 x gunman attack +3000
[target] 42 x sniper attack +1680
[target] 20 x hitman attack +600
[target] 5 x bazooka attack +725
[target] 10 x mercenary attack +1200
[attacker] 64 x rowdy take damages -642 / 128
[attacker] 64 x rowdy die
[attacker] 369 x bouncer take damages -2160 / 3690
[attacker] 216 x bouncer die
[attacker] 277 x knifer take damages -960 / 1385
[attacker] 192 x knifer die
[attacker] 47 x big_mama take damages -240 / 5170
[attacker] 2 x big_mama die
[attacker] 37 x ninja take damages -7500 / 740
[attacker] 37 x ninja die
[attacker] 141 x gunman take damages -3000 / 1692
[attacker] 141 x gunman die
[attacker] 55 x sniper take damages -1680 / 440
[attacker] 55 x sniper die
[attacker] 1 x hitman take damages -600 / 15
[attacker] 1 x hitman die
[attacker] 20 x bazooka take damages -725 / 500
[attacker] 20 x bazooka die
[attacker] 20 x mercenary take damages -1200 / 1500
[attacker] 16 x mercenary die
[target] 321 x rowdy take damages -128 / 642
[target] 64 x rowdy die
[target] 360 x bouncer take damages -2214 / 3600
[target] 221 x bouncer die
[target] 80 x knifer take damages -3324 / 400
[target] 80 x knifer die
[target] 20 x big_mama take damages -564 / 2200
[target] 5 x big_mama die
[target] 150 x ninja take damages -1850 / 3000
[target] 92 x ninja die
[target] 120 x gunman take damages -3525 / 1440
[target] 120 x gunman die
[target] 42 x sniper take damages -2200 / 336
[target] 42 x sniper die
[target] 20 x hitman take damages -30 / 300
[target] 2 x hitman die
[target] 5 x bazooka take damages -2900 / 125
[target] 5 x bazooka die
[target] 10 x mercenary take damages -2400 / 750
[target] 10 x mercenary die

Round 2 start
[attacker] 153 x bouncer attack +918
[attacker] 85 x knifer attack +1020
[attacker] 45 x big_mama attack +540
[attacker] 4 x mercenary attack +480
[target] 257 x rowdy attack +514
[target] 139 x bouncer attack +834
[target] 15 x big_mama attack +180
[target] 58 x ninja attack +2900
[target] 18 x hitman attack +540
[attacker] 153 x bouncer take damages -514 / 1530
[attacker] 51 x bouncer die
[attacker] 85 x knifer take damages -834 / 425
[attacker] 85 x knifer die
[attacker] 45 x big_mama take damages -180 / 4950
[attacker] 1 x big_mama die
[attacker] 4 x mercenary take damages -2900 / 300
[attacker] 4 x mercenary die
[attacker] 102 x bouncer take damages -540 / 1020
[attacker] 54 x bouncer die
[target] 257 x rowdy take damages -918 / 514
[target] 257 x rowdy die
[target] 139 x bouncer take damages -1020 / 1390
[target] 102 x bouncer die
[target] 15 x big_mama take damages -540 / 1650
[target] 4 x big_mama die
[target] 58 x ninja take damages -480 / 1160
[target] 24 x ninja die

Round 3 start
[attacker] 48 x bouncer attack +288
[attacker] 44 x big_mama attack +528
[target] 37 x bouncer attack +222
[target] 11 x big_mama attack +132
[target] 34 x ninja attack +1700
[target] 18 x hitman attack +540
[attacker] 48 x bouncer take damages -222 / 480
[attacker] 22 x bouncer die
[attacker] 44 x big_mama take damages -132 / 4840
[attacker] 1 x big_mama die
[attacker] 26 x bouncer take damages -1700 / 260
[attacker] 26 x bouncer die
[attacker] 43 x big_mama take damages -540 / 4730
[attacker] 4 x big_mama die
[target] 37 x bouncer take damages -288 / 370
[target] 28 x bouncer die
[target] 11 x big_mama take damages -528 / 1210
[target] 4 x big_mama die

Round 4 start
[attacker] 39 x big_mama attack +468
[target] 9 x bouncer attack +54
[target] 7 x big_mama attack +84
[target] 34 x ninja attack +1700
[target] 18 x hitman attack +540
[attacker] 39 x big_mama take damages -54 / 4290
[attacker] 39 x big_mama take damages -84 / 4290
[attacker] 39 x big_mama take damages -1700 / 4290
[attacker] 15 x big_mama die
[attacker] 24 x big_mama take damages -540 / 2640
[attacker] 4 x big_mama die
[target] 9 x bouncer take damages -468 / 90
[target] 9 x bouncer die

Round 5 start
[attacker] 20 x big_mama attack +240
[target] 7 x big_mama attack +84
[target] 34 x ninja attack +1700
[target] 18 x hitman attack +540
[attacker] 20 x big_mama take damages -84 / 2200
[attacker] 20 x big_mama take damages -1700 / 2200
[attacker] 15 x big_mama die
[attacker] 5 x big_mama take damages -540 / 550
[attacker] 4 x big_mama die
[target] 7 x big_mama take damages -240 / 770
[target] 2 x big_mama die

Fight ended in round 5

P.S. 此文寫於昨天下午,晚上發不出去。剛好今天早上戰事規則改變了,看來是會有很多新變化了~~~


source - pixabay

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