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[閒聊DrugWars] 還等什麼?黑幫帝國就要崛起,還不趕緊加入?Join D-Company and Get Upvotes!

[閒聊DrugWars] 還等什麼?黑幫帝國就要崛起,還不趕緊加入?Join D-Company and Get Upvotes!

螢幕快照 2019-02-19 上午9.22.14.png




是的!劉美女用的是新創的獨立帳號 @d-company來打這一場黑幫戰爭!目前已經投入約250 STEEMs來創建帝國,才驚見原來我投入這樣也不算少的資源,排名卻並不十分靠前,可見得有多少人已經投下更多錢去玩哪!難怪這遊戲那麼火熱呀~~

投資到現在,我也不敢再投了,動不動升級一間建築物就要超過50 STEEMs,哇靠!這真是太吸金了啊~~



還是建議你量力而為,不要花太多錢,也不知道以後會如何。小小提示,每日分紅的STEEM看起來是慢慢下降的,所以不要預期以後每天都可以收這樣的錢~~ 如果你決定只投資時間,那就風險最低,只會賺錢不會賠錢,只是應該不可能賺太多啦,樂趣為主~~


目前已經有許多幫派開始壯大結盟了,甚至都有一個公眾號來玩,當成大家投資會費的資產收入… 我大概沒時間精力去獨立搞一個…. 不過,拉幫結派目前是沒有即時需求的,因為Battle model還沒打開。要是打開了,別人可以掠奪你資產,倒是還真要傷腦筋加入一個組織呢~~ 哎,搞黑幫還真難,就不能讓我好好製藥毒害世人嗎?

為何是 @d-company?

挑這名字,原因是這可是世界級的黑幫組織名稱啊!看看這報導,排名都排上號了呢!挺響亮的!印度的黑幫,老大還曾是個寶萊塢明星呢!挺適合我劉美女的氣質的~~ 而且D開頭,也是我的公司的意思~~ 所以,是不是很適合我呀~~ 看看我的照片吧~~

螢幕快照 2019-02-19 上午9.40.39.png

source - link above

This group based in India, Pakistan, and the UAE is led by Dawood Ibrahim, an internationally wanted man (and Bollywood star) whose activities go from extortion up to terrorist acts like the 1993 Bombay bombings, which killed 257 people and injured over 700. Ibrahim is said to have ties to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and D-Company is funded with billions of dollars from legitimate businesses (including real estate and banking) as well as illegal activities. Currently on the run, Ibrahim is said to have undergone extensive plastic surgery.*

酷不酷?快快加入吧!~~~ ^_^

如果加入後,請留言並給我你註冊帳號,成功進入我的referral頁面之後,我會點讚留言喔~~ 日後如果Referral的獎勵變高,我會再繼續適時回饋給各位藥頭的喔~~ 哇哈哈哈~~~

English readers, I am promoting Drugwars via my ref link below. If you join this game via my link, please leave a comment below and specify your account name if different. I will give you an upvote once your name appears on my ref page and I will continue to return some of the ref reward back to you once it gets more significant. Let’s rule the drug world!! ^^



source - pixabay


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