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Going to Tokyo Japan Soon ! 即將去東京旅行!

Going to Tokyo Japan Soon ! 即將去東京旅行!


Me and my family are going to visit Tokyo from next week and we are gonna stay there longer than a normal tourist would. We are gonna do so many things! So excited! One of the privileges of being a Steemian is that you get to meet local people when you travel abroad … So, I already feel welcome as some Tokyo Steemians will arrange a meetup with me! Wow! It would be my first meetup outside Taiwan … Can’t wait!

So, before I go, I would like to gather more information (esp regarding crypto) from the lovely crowd on this platform so I can experience the most out of this amazing city … Ok, if you happen to know something about my questions please do share with me! Thanks in advance!

  • Any good source of information (need English version of course) about spending crypto in Tokyo? Restaurants, cafes and shops? What apps do I need to install?
  • Good instruction about withdrawing Japanese Yen from a Bitcoin ATM? Map would be good too…
  • Anything or anywhere about crypto that you recommend exploring beside the above?
  • Any crypto-related companies that might want to hire me?

Haha, seems all are about crypto! I have long heard that Japan is friendly towards crypto and I am gonna find out myself from this trip if it is really so… Last, I don’t really need any tourist or restaurant advices, but if you insist, I don’t mind seeing them too.

Thanks guys! I will be sharing my whole trip everyday pretty soon … You can follow this tag #dean-tokyo to keep track of my trip notes and photos. お先に失礼します (osaki ni shitsurei shimasu)





  • 哪裡可以用幣消費?需要先下載什麼App嗎?例如餐廳,咖啡廳,商店等等…. 噢,好期待,又怕傷口袋~~
  • 哪裡有BTM這種提幣機?我想嘗試的是用比特幣領日幣出來,除非價格太差啦~~
  • 東京還有什麼跟幣圈相關的地方或事物值得去探索嗎?


哈哈,很期待!但這幾天還得忙,還得打包行李~~ 不過,很快,我就會從東京跟你們打招呼囉!如果你對於我的東京幣行有興趣的話,可以追蹤 #dean-tokyo這個標籤,我可能不一定會加 #cn,以免同一主題延續太久惹人嫌,但持續記錄這次旅程,也會是一個很有趣的經驗吧!^^

那,我先告辭囉!お先に失礼します (osaki ni shitsurei shimasu)

images - pixabay

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