[MEME] Why Our 3 Seconds Confirmation Blockchain Does Not Have CryptoPets?

[MEME] Why Our 3 Seconds Confirmation Blockchain Does Not Have CryptoPets?


Yeah, I am talking about those crazily hot CryptoKitties … Just cannot get myself one of those. I actually just want to buy a white cat first. Too bad the ethereum blockchain is not up for it for now… Guess I will have to wait…

>對!我很不爽,有錢買不到最夯的CryptoKitties,以太貓咪。只是想買一隻跟家裡的一樣的白貓咪而已,為什麼這麼困難呢?看來以太鏈不太行啊,只好再等等了… Orz

Meanwhile, I am whining why we the faster blockchain does not have this idea first… It’s not too late developers!!


### I would rather buy Steem version kitties if there is a choice!

the following is the screenshots that I prepared along the way to write a “I have a CryptoKitty” post but failed more than twice. bummer!

>以下就是我買了兩次白貓都失敗的紀錄… 失敗可是不只兩次。原本是要用來寫炫耀文的留存圖片,現在是傷心的紀錄…

## Somebody please give me a chance to buy a Blockchain Cat OK!?

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