One Week in Media - Steem is doing great!

One Week in Media - Steem is doing great!

I found three (news) sources covering Steem/it and it looks we are doing great!! 

sharing with you here … 

the first 2 articles in English and the last one is Chinese (but actually translated from English)

3 Simple Ways for Earning Cryptocurrency Using Just Your PC is a blockchain based social network, that incentivizes its users for posting and curating (upvoting) content. On Steemit, you can make money online, in the form of crypto, for posting new content and/or curating (up-voting) the content of others. The social network has three forms of currencies/tokens…

The Most Promising Cryptocurrencies To Buy In 2017

 There are other coins that hold great potential for growth in 2017. Augur is a promising altcoin as it is presenting a new concept for decentralized market predictions. STEEM also holds enormous potential as it is by far the most successful decentralized social network. MaidSafeCoin’s price can also skyrocket during the upcoming months as it is supporting a new concept of crowd-sourced internet. GameCredits also hold great potential for growth during 2017, especially that it is introducing a new concept for online gaming markets.

區塊鏈對共享經濟的意義 What Blockchain Means for the Sharing Economy 


[originally from Harvard Business Review]

According to past experience, recent media coverage is pretty strong and it might somehow contribute to the rising Steem price trend! Let’s get fingers crossed that the media effect and price rise form some kind of positive loop that push Steem to Mars … :D

image credits: from respective links

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