This page is synchronized from the post: ‘[MEME] Generation Gap - FIAT v.s. BITCOIN’
Previously in this Tainan mini-series …
先前『慵懶台南』小系列 …
🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #1 水果行與杏仁豆腐 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #1 Fruits Store & Almond Tofu
Today I’ll continue to share some selected photos from this trip with some themes - fun and simplicity.
Stay tuned for more Enchanting Tainan tomorrow ~~~~
敬請繼續期待,明天繼續分享 慵懶台南 喔~~
- all photos were taken by my Sony Xperia phone.
This page is synchronized from the post: ‘🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #3 視覺府城 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #3 Visual Tainan’
前幾天,@tradealert (Dan) 跟 @deanliu合作跟大家介紹一個新的,即將進行ICO的區塊鏈旅遊評論平台 Futourist。錯過這篇文章的話,可以先去看看。今天,@deanliu則跟熟悉旅遊的 @livinguktaiwan合作,進一步介紹這個平台將如何透過不同類型的項目來運作,及用戶可以如何在平台上交流互動。
Days ago, @tradealert (Dan) and @deanliu collaborate to bring you a review of a coming ICO - Futourist that will be launched on 15th February. In case you miss it, read the review here. Today, @deanliu and @livinguktaiwan, a great travel blogger on Steemit, join force to to bring you another review on this interesting token/platform that will talk more about how users can engage with Futourist and the different types of programs Futourist operate.
簡單來説 Futourist 是一個在”區塊鏈上獎勵用戶的旅遊評論平台”。 跟Tripadvisor最大的分別是,在Futourist上寫評論用戶會有實際的收益,但在Tripadvisor平台上則是沒有的。
Futourist describes themselves as the “Blockchain travel review platform where users get paid“. The main difference from say Tripadvisor that many travelers are familiar with, is that you are rewarded when you contribute on Futourist, whereas on Tripadvisor you aren’t.
要了解Futourist 怎樣運作,首先要了解它的不同用戶群。主要有四種,大部分人都會屬於其中的三種。
Reviewer 評論用戶群
這是寫評論的人。評論的可以是去過的餐廳,住過的旅館,或任何旅遊去過的地方。評論內容可以是一篇文章,照片或視頻也可以。這平台較偏向視頻, 因為可信性較高。跟 Steemit一樣,每篇文章都可以讓其他已在平台上註冊的用戶閱讀及點讚,然後賺取收益。當然文章素質越高,點讚越多,收益也會更高。
Curator 點讚用戶群
這跟在Steemit上的 curator一樣, Futourist 的 curator可以從點讚中賺取curation收益。 但從官方發佈的文件裡,找不到curation收益如何計算。例如在Steemit上,一篇文章大約有25%的收益將歸於curators,這部分,Futourist 似乎尚未著墨太多。
Consumer 消費者用戶群
評論者及curators 一定要先在Futourist的平台上註冊成為用戶。消費者的用戶群就不一定需要。因為平台是免費公開給任何人使用的。
Businesses 商業機構用戶群
他們是Futourist的其中一個主要收入來源。 商業機構會通過平台上的不同管道去推廣他們的產品或服務,吸納顧客。
Futourist Ecosystem
So exactly, how does Furtourist work? Let’s start by looking at the users in the ecosystem. There are four types of users and most of us will fall into the first three.
These are people who write a review, it can be about a restaurant they’ve been to, a hotel they’ve stayed at, or any locations they’ve visited etc. The content can be an essay post, photographs or a video. Futourist prefers the latter. Like Steemit, the post will be read and reviewed by all other registered users on the platform and rewarded accordingly. Obviously, the better the quality, the more upvotes you get and hence higher rewards._Curators
They are the same as the curators on Steemit, they can upvote or downvote a review, and get curation rewards. However I can’t seem to find out what the curation rewards are, eg on Steemit there is a 75/25 split.Consumer
You must be registered on Futourist to be a reviewer or curator, but anyone can access the content on the platform without registering and read the reviews.Businesses
They are one of the main source of financial input to the platform and their aim is to promote their business by incentivising users to create quality reviews for their services.
Futourist 其中一個主要的特色是舉辦比賽。一般是由平台本身或以上提到的商業機構舉辦。比賽會有限定的時間,加一個特定的題目或地點,而且會預設一個獎勵額,分給所有參賽的評論用戶及curators。
例如,Futourist現在就正在舉行一個比賽來推廣行銷這個項目。 比賽為期兩個月,到3月15日截止。 獎勵額有五百萬FTR, 相等於貨幣總流量的0.5%。 參賽者在Futourist 的平台上登入後,把創作的推廣文章連結投入比賽的界面上就可以。而這個文章是可以在任何其他內容平台,例如Steemit, Wordpress, Reddit, Medium 等上面發佈。所有的參賽作品都會有專人審核,來決定作品的四個不同獎勵級別,包括:
- 不被接納 - 0 FTR
- 讚文章2000 FTR
- 超讚文章6000 FTR
- 🦄 內部推薦 🦄 - 25.000 FTR
除了Futourist之外,其他的商業機構也會在這裡舉辦比賽,推廣他們的服務及產品。例如一家啤酒公司可能會預設十萬FTR的獎勵額, 舉辦一個”在柏林市喝某啤酒的最佳漢堡店”。 評論用戶若想參加比賽,可以光顧柏林市內有售賣某啤酒的漢堡店, 然後寫評論來賺取收益。 這樣啤酒公司跟漢堡店不單止會得到很多誠實的評論,及有關他們產品及服務的回應,而且可以有助增加營業額。
One main feature of Futourist is the concept of Contests. These are “ a time-limited content-driven campaign created either by the Futourist platform itself or businesses participating in the ecosystem.” Each contest last for a set duration, has a specific title and/or location, and a fixed reward pool that will be distributed to the reviewers and curators.
For example, at the moment Futourist are running a contest to promote awareness about the project. The contest started on 15th Jan and will run till 15th March. It has a reward pool of 5 million FTR tokens which is 0.5% of the total supply. Users must log onto Futourists and enter the link of their post to the contest page. The post could have been issued on any platform such as Steemit, Wordpress, Reddit, Medium etc… All the post will then be checked and rewarded in 4 ways
- Not approved (scams, fakes) - 0 FTR
- Good post - 2000 FTR
- Great post - 6000 FTR
- 🦄 Staff pick 🦄 - 25.000 FTR
Apart from Futourist, businesses may also run contests to promote their services. For example, a beer company may run a contest called “The best burger places in Berlin that serve Heineken” and allocate 100 thousand FTR tokens to the reward pool. This will incentivise reviewers to visit different burger joints in Berlin that serves Heineken and write a review for which they will get rewards. The beer company and the burger joints not only get additional business, but also lots of reviews and feedback.
如果你是Telegram用戶,加入他們的群組會就有300FTR,連結在這裏。 喔!我是不是還沒告訴你,一個 FTR的定價是0.016歐元?加入他們的群組就可以賺取將近6美金喔! 其他可以賺取收益的方法,包括用電郵登記訂閱通訊,在BitcoinTalk的簽名檔部份加上Futourist的資料, 在Youtube上發佈視頻推廣他們的項目,和在臉書及Twitter上追蹤他們。詳細資料可以閱讀這個文章。
最後有一個項目我們覺得很不錯,想在這裏向大家推介,名為”附近的優惠”。 商業機構另一個吸引顧客的渠道,是在平台上提供特別的優惠給用戶。用戶外出時,可以通過手機app 看看附近有沒有優惠,符合心意的話,只要在 app裡用已賺取的 token去換取,然後直接到商店享用服務就可以。 我們覺得這一個項目,對於不想作虛擬貨幣買賣的朋友,或者想偶爾用已賺取的零用錢來享受優惠用餐或服務的朋友,是再適合不過了!
今天介紹Futourist 的平台到此為止,白皮書裏還有很多其他資料我們正在研究。如果找到另外一些我們覺得有用的資料,會再向大家報告的!
Other Rewards
Apart from participating in contests, one can earn rewards from contributing to the platform through writing and curating reviews in the normal manner. However, the rewards here as less than those from the contest.
If you are on Telegram, you will get 300 FTR by joining their group. Here’s the link. By the way, did we tell you that 1 FTR is set at Euro 0.016 so just by joining the Telegram group you will have earned nearly USD $6. You can also earn stakes through other ways such as subscribing to their newsletter, changing your BitcoinTalk profile signature, posting on Youtube, and following them on Facebook and Twitter. Details can be found here.
There’s one last feature that we want to talk about and is one that we quite like, called Nearby Offers. Businesses on the platform will post offers that users can buy with the tokens they have earned. Users can check if there are any available offers nearby, pay through the app and then just turn up to the business to enjoy the service. This is great for users who don’t trade or are looking to use the rewards for a great meal or service offer.
That’s the end of our review on Futourist today. We are still going through the White paper which can be found here, so if we’ve come up with anything else interesting, we’ll let you know.
This page is synchronized from the post: ‘🌎 區塊鏈旅遊評論平台Futourist怎麼玩?🌎 How do Futourist work? 🌎’
Last September, I visited Beijing and had a lot of great memories from this historical city. One of the post that I am fond of from this trip is this one, sharing night photography of Beijing streets:
Today, I am in Tainan. This city is also an enchanting historical city, certainly not as historical as Beijing but both are enchanting in different ways. In addition, this city was once the capital city of this island hundreds of years ago… Last night, we were wandering on Tainan’s casual streets and I took some shots to share with you in this post. I hope these photos can lure you to visit this wonderful city in the future. Cheers!
現在我在台南,同樣是一個迷人的城市,也許沒有北京宏偉,沒有北京那千年的歷史,但一樣都是風情萬種的文化與歷史之都,各自風騷各自醉。台南在幾百年前也是鄭成功明鄭時期的首府啊~ 昨夜,我們漫步台南府城街頭,我同樣留下許多 … 影,在這一篇裡與各位分享。但願能夠引起你未來到此一遊的慾望,同來感受台南的無窮魅力!
Previously in this Tainan mini-series …
上一篇『慵懶台南』小系列 …
🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #1 水果行與杏仁豆腐 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #1 Fruits Store & Almond Tofu
Stay tuned for more Enchanting Tainan tomorrow ~~~~
敬請繼續期待,明天繼續分享 慵懶台南 喔~~
- all photos were taken by my Sony Xperia phone without any further processing.
This page is synchronized from the post: ‘🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #2 One Night in Tainan 我留下許多影 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #2 One Night in Tainan’
台南是非常特別的台灣城市之一:府城古都,悠久歷史,豐富人文,精緻小吃,特有文化 … 使得台南這幾年一直在台灣是南部少有的外地人希望移居的城市。
This weekend, me and my wife have a little trip inside Taiwan. We are in Tainan, southern cultural capital of Taiwan. This trip is a laid-back trip for us, which fits Tainan, a very relaxing and enjoyable city.
Tainan has a lot of fruit stores. This kind of stores is very unique in Taiwan. It serves customers with fruit plates, shaved ice with fruits or juices. It is said that this kind of stores originated from early days in Tainan when people here were all rich and did not bother processing fruits by themselves so this kind of business thrived to serve and passed down to later generations …
We ordered two plates of watermelon and netted melon and two cups of fruit milk - strawberry and netted melon again. Both plates are great and the strawberry milk is extraordinary! Plates are served with licorice powder on the side. Very delicate flavor. Love it!
台南有很多有名的東西,光說吃的就說不完,甚至甜點類也有幾種,其中一種就是杏仁豆腐。我們隨便路邊就挑了一間店吃吃。點了綜合杏仁豆腐跟芝麻杏仁糊。還不錯。綜合杏仁豆腐裡面那一球是芋泥,自己要把杏仁茶淋上去這些料裡頭… 芝麻糊則尚可,稍微淡了一點~~
Tainan is famous for a lot of things, desserts being one among them. Almond tofu is one of its signature desserts. We randomly picked one store by the street. We ordered one almond tofu with everything and one sesame and almond soup.
敬請繼續期待,明天繼續分享 慵懶台南 喔~~
Stay tuned for more Enchanting Tainan tomorrow ~~~~
This page is synchronized from the post: ‘🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #1 水果行與杏仁豆腐 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #1 Fruits Store & Almond Tofu’
Hi there investors and welcome to this third installment of our ICO review series brought to you by Dean (@deanliu) and Dan (@tradealert), today we’re looking at an exciting project called Futourist.
Futourist is:
“The first block-chain based review platform that rewards you for your content. You create reviews, share and get paid”.
Futourist intends to tap into the fast growing content industry, which is expected to be worth more than US $313 billion by the year 2019.
Their goal is to create a thriving ecosystem where businesses, content creators, curators and advertisers can mutually benefit and use the network to exchange value seamlessly via the platform’s native currency: the FTR token.
Users are incentivized to create content through contests. A contest is a content driven campaign launched by a business participating on the platform or by the platform (Futourist) itself. Futourist can enable multiple contests at the same time.
Each contest has a budget (expressed in FTR tokens) which will be allocated to reward content creators for creating reviews. The reviews will then be monitored by a community of curators who can upvote the good and flag the spamming. The more upvotes a review creator gets, the more “power” they can accumulate and in turn the more valuable (and profitable) their contribution to the community becomes in the form of more content creation or more curation work.
You can think of the project as a cross between Yelp (reviews) and Steemit (rewards).
The problem Futourist is trying to solve is the following:
“At the moment the majority of users do not receive any kind of payment for creating content on the most popular review websites. Those reviews are converted into revenue, while users are not paid. We are here to change that! We will give you the power and the value of your content!“
Futourist is currently being developed on top of the Ethereum blockchain and plans on having an ICO on the 15th of February.
The purpose of this article is to try to determine whether or not the team behind Futourist can actually deliver on this vision. We’ll first look at the team (I), the product (II) and the role of the blockchain in the project (III) before giving you our conclusion (IV).
The co-founders of the start-up are three long-time friends from Slovenia. The CEO, Ziga Lukša, is also the founder and former head of Sailbrace an international brand of fashionable anchor bracelets who has proven experience in brand development and business building.
Futourist’s core technical team is composed of a CTO, 2 full stack developers, a front-end developer and an A.I. specialist with experience working on A.I. for the United Nations. This team is led by Nino Kutnjak, a web developer with over 10 years of experience ranging from IT integrations, servers and client level to pure development. Nino is also very active on the project’s Telegram channel.
Interestingly, the team is advised by Tim M. Zagar, the CEO of ICONOMI which is one of the earliest digital asset management platform built on the Ethereum blockchain and a very successful blockchain fin-tech company in Slovenia.
The team is also partnered with, a Slovenian VC platform with international reach responsible for launching many successful ICOs such as MAECENAS or SANTIMENT. Futourist initially planned to have its ICO through the platform but ultimately decided to crowdfund on its own. The two entities haven’t severed ties though and is still involved in the project as an adviser.
Our impression is that the team is a good first look for the project and, given their experience, seems entirely capable of delivering on its vision. It’s also worth noting that the project is being developed in Slovenia which is considered one of the friendliest countries in the world towards crypto currencies and blockchain innovation.
Futourist’s core proposition is to be a review dApp with a focus on video content (similar to Instagram Stories). Unlike many other projects built on Ethereum though, Futurist already have a working product to show for.
The Futourist dApp is being built on top of an existing platform called OpenHours. Open hours is “a hybrid service between Yelp and Tripadvisor that provides information about different businesses and services“, the service has been in business for over 4 years now and already boasts a pretty solid network of users.
The first advantage of building on top of an existing app is that Futourist will be able to mine directly into Open Hour’s user pool which spans over 20 countries and has nearly a million services and users in its database.
The second advantage is that Futourist gets to benefit from the expertise of the OpenHours dev team.Both start-ups are actually meant to merge soon under the Futourist umbrella.
As far as competition is concerned, Futourist’s main competitors on the review app market will be giants like Google or Instagram but Futourist disposes of an unfair advantage over those two: its blockchain.
As we mentioned in the introduction, Futourist is based on the Ethereum blockchain and possess its own currency: the FTR tokens, a billion of which will be created during the ICO to provide liquidity to the platform’s economy.
The question here is to determine why the blockchain was chosen by the developers and what value it adds to the project over traditional methods of storing data. After all, existing review apps like Yelp or TripAdvisor have been in business for over a decade without the help of a blockchain.
In the case of Futourist, the blockchain will be used to automate and secure an economy in which participants will issue and receive rewards in the form of FTR tokens for creating and curating reviews.
This economy is designed to be very inclusive and will involve many actors, ranging from businesses to content creators and advertisers, all of which will use the FTR token as a mean of exchange.
The in-built reward system for content creators is, in our opinion, the most attractive aspect of the Futourist project. First because the blockchain will allow the reward system to be trusted and auditable across the whole network. Second because it will remove the possibility of a central agent tampering with the reward pool (including Futourist itself). Finally because it provides a healthy incentive for the community to create good content in order to receive rewards.
However a reward system can only strive if it allows transparency and fairness; and that is in essence the reason behind the use of a blockchain.
If the reward will be distributed in a decentralized and transparent fashion, it’s important to note that the content itself (reviews) will not be secured onto a blockchain (unlike Steemit for example) since the Ethereum network does not (yet?) allow for the storage of that much data. Instead, the content will be stored in traditional databases and subject to centralization which seems like a necessary compromise at this stage of development. It’s worth wondering though if the project wouldn’t be better suited for a more immediately scalable blockchain like Steem or EOS.
Despite this minor caveat, it seems like the scope of the project mostly justifies the use of a blockchain.
Futourist community is still small but it’s likely this number will grow quickly once the app rolls out and the word of mouth starts spreading. Their telegram channel currently has around 800 members and the devs are responsive and eager to answers the questions of potential investors.
The team seems to take community building seriously as the crowdsale webpage indicates that 45% of the tokens will be reserved for this purpose with possibility to audit the management of this reserve via the blockchain.
Futourist is an ambitious project which benefits from the experience of a stellar development and advisory team and strong economic principles. The community around the project, though small is enthusiastic and the project is ideally developed in a country favorable to crypto and blockchain innovation.
In our opinion this project deserves your full attention.
To learn more about Futourist, you can head over to their website to read their whitepaper or get to know more about their soon-coming ICO.
So that’s it for today folks and we hope you’ve learned something new, don’t forget to re-steem, upvote and follow @tradealert and @deanliu if you like our featured content.
Dan & Dean.
This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Token Review - Travel, write reviews and get paid with FUTOURIST’
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