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Bet NBA Finals with Me - THREE "8 Steems" Prizes Up for Grabs If Cavs Wins #2 And You Got Lucky!!

NBA Finals Are Hot!!

If you are a NBA fan, there is nothing I can tell you… If you are not, simply check #nba tag and you can see a lot of posts - contest, predictions, commentaries, news … I have nothing to add. I have been an NBA fan for like 20 years, but on and off until recently that Warriors, especially Stephen Curry, re-ignites my passion to watch … But guess what!? I am not betting on Warriors to win! LOL


So I support Golden State Warriors, not Cleveland Cavaliers … But supporting is one thing, and betting is another. It all depends on the odds.

My Bet - Cavs to Win  

Taiwan Sports Lottery is the only legal gambling business in Taiwan (well, needless to say, the underground market is much bigger …) and its odds are mostly slightly inferior to international bookies. But I only bet for fun, it is still a good choice for me.

I missed the first final (betting and live watching) but this time I won’t miss #2. So I think, why not drag the Steem community to have fun with me?

First, I decided to go with the Cavs. Simply because … Its Odds is Good!! 3.3 for Cavs to win this away game!! Despite that I support Warriors, I have great respect for LeBron James and his teammates. I don’t think Game 1 is that bad for Cavs. Gosh I can still remember the 2016 Finals… A superb team as well. There is no way to write them off for a price like 3.3!! So go for this option!! See my lottery under.


Invite you to join the fun - Game Rules

As you can see that I bought NT300 for Cavs to win. It is about $10 USD. So if I win, I will have a $10*(3.3-1) = $23 USD net profit and I would like to share all with anyone who join my little game!! :) Here are the rules:

  • Prizes: Three “8 Steems“ prizes for anyone who participate successfully. If, most likely the participants are more than 3, then I will run a random process to draw 3 Lucky Winners!! 

  • Participation: No need to upvote the main post. JUST UPVOTE THE “Cavs win but Warriors rule” COMMENT OF MINE (of course, it doesn’t matter if you mean it. lol). Please make sure that you UPVOTE WITH A WEIGHT MORE THAN 50%. Of course, you have to do so BEFORE THE GAME starts (less than 20 hours) That’s it! upvote the comment with more than 50% weight before the game and you are in. 

  • Announcement: Winners will be announced a few days after the game outcome is out. Only eligible participants will enter the random drawing. 

  • Note: If Warriors win, then this game is OFF. I will lost $10 but luckily with post income to cover it if lucky. But I hope Cavs can win so you get to have a shot at winning prizes. Besides, it will make the final much more exciting. I still believe that Warriors can win the title!! Go! Go! Go! :)  

Thank You for Joining and Upvoting!! I WILL increase the number of prizes shall this post goes unreasonably well compensated! :)


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Reflections of Prague 1/2 - #myeuropaplog series













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If You Can't Wait for SteemFest2 in Nov., You Can Join the First GolosFest in July!!


When I saw Golos’ trending post today, I was intrigued. It’s true that if you are Steemians, you will feel like home on Golos, even if you don’t speak Russian!! Like me. Yeah, I have been posting on and off on Golos with the help from Google translate or Yandex translate and I actually want to use this chance to learn Russian but until now still cannot find time to do so.

Anyway, back to the event… GolosFest in July!! Yeah, so cool and even closer than SteemFest 2 in November!! Only less than 2 months and it will be held at the Radisson Slavyanskaya in Moscow. Such a luxurious place judging from the outlook. 


Let me quote some paragraph from the Google-translated content (with some correction that I am aware) of the original post.

Where and when

7/29/17 - 7/30/17
(Saturday - Sunday).

Conference room and most of the events will be held at the Radisson Slavyanskaya in Moscow.

What and how

The preliminary program of the event:

Saturday:10.30 - At the hotel reception leave your luggage (if any) and we are going next to the hotel (the exact venue will be specified in the following announcements)

11.00 - Tour. Options: Moscow Compound Holy Trinity-St? Polytechnical Museum? Walking tour of the center of Moscow? (want?)

14.00 - Return to the hotel and Check-in

15.00 - 19.00 - The beginning of the conference (speakers to be announced)

17.00 - Coffee break

19.00 - 20.00 - Dinner in the hotel

21.00 - 23.00 - Informal lounge chat at the hotel

23.00 + Afterparty

Sunday:Till 10.00 - Breakfast at the hotel

10:30 - Check-Out (leave luggage in the storage room)

11.00 - 12.30 - Visit to Moscow Kremlin (Moscow Kremlin Treasures & Ancient + Armory)

13.00 - 15.00 - on the Moscow River Excursion

16.00 - Baggage collection from hotel  

Important information or how to book!

Price action: 10000 rubles + accommodation: 4000/4500 rubles (SNGL / DBL or TWN) per night with breakfast.Reservations participate in the event can be done with both the accommodation and without accommodation.

In the event the price of the ticket includes: 3 excursions in Moscow (including a walk along the Moscow River on Sunday), dinner at the hotel with a drink, a ticket to the conference, coffee break, the informal lounge part with free drinks, gifts and participate in the sweepstakes.

Book a room at the hotel (on your own) you can, using a special link that will be in the next announcement. 

Sounds great, right? But… there is a catch, I think… that you probably have to speak Russian… I am not sure if they are going to have some activities for English-speaking friends, but you can ask those Steemians that are also active on Golos and speak Russian. Or… there is still some time, learn Russian from today! As a start, let me teach you Russian hello: “привет!” [a simple video lesson here] :D


[to its bitcoin account maybe, if they have no official account on Steem]

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Question! Can the future Steem economy handle massive daily transactions with Steem's current minimum unit?


This question of mine has been on my mind for a while actually, but only until recently that it seems to be a more legitimate question. But my understanding of the system might not be entire correct, still it is a good chance for me to know if I am wrong with some knowledge about Steem. Naturally, any answers and corrections are more than welcome!! Please follow my thinking to understand it … 

Steem Economy could be A LOT BIGGER than its current state …

You must have learned that Steem price has been pretty strong lately (actually very strong, you might refer to this), and it is a good time now for us to imagine a little bit. Many users join Steemit, perceiving Steem as a token of blogging and curating. That’s true, but there is more to the potential of Steem, as many have discussed during the BTCC poll contest - based on the Graphene blockchain technology, Steem has the advantages of free transfer cost, fast transaction time and the diversity of the backing community… etc etc… 

Okay. With the entire cryptocurrency market cap still less than a tiny fraction of the traditional economy. I would say that once the world passes the turning point, all the coins will have a huge long term super growth. Let’s say that by future I mean 5, or even make it 10 years, Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that the whole Steem economy in the future could be at least reach the scale of today‘s big brother bitcoin? Seems very reasonable assumption to me… (some may say conservative!) … 

Anyway, follow this assumption and based on today’s numbers

Steem should be 39,725 (bitcoin market cap)/ 248.7(steem market cap) = roughly160 times more valuable in the future. Considering the inflation, let’s just roughly say that Steem price should be 150 times higher than now. Let’s be conservative, and make it just 100x current price.

So, the future Steem price could reach $100. 


Doesn’t matter how soon you wish to assume this future arrives. 5, 10, 20 years… Keep reading…

Bitcoins have Satoshi, Steems don’t

In the Steem currency system, we only have Steem, the liquid and the main token, Steem Power, the untouchable Steem as an influence token and SBD, the Steem-backed dollar that is designed to peg the US dollar… Seems more than enough for an ecosystem of its own (some even argued that we should get rid of SBD).

However, if you have some experience with Bitcoin faucets, then you must know that although bitcoin has only one kind, one unit of bitcoin can be divided into 100,000,000 shares and people call it ‘Satoshi‘ to honor the mysterious bitcoin founding father Nakamoto Satoshi. By dividing, that means that the minimum amount that the bitcoin blockchain can deal with is 1 Satoshi. From a recent prediction, bitcoin price will reach $100,000 in 10 years, and that means 1 Satoshi is worth $1/1000, or $0.1 cent. Still quite a reasonable minimum unit.


What about us, Steem, in the future? 

Here comes the Question: Is our minimum unit too BIG for growth?

From what I have learned during my almost one year with Steem, the blockchain can only process Steem or SBD to the 3rd decimal place. That means our minimum unit in the great Steem economy is one thousandth of Steem, or SBD. 

If Steem is to reach the assumed goal of $100 in the whenever future, it means our minimum unit is worth $0.1 !! That is, 1000 times larger than 1 predicted Satoshi!! 

From where I live (Taiwan, using $TWD, roughly 1/30 $USD), our minimum unit is $1 TWD, which is $0.033 USD. I think it is a reasonable minimum unit. After all, how often do you use USD pennies or nickels?

The above calculation I think is reasonable. Considering the economic development of many places in the world is lower than Taiwan, the demand for a lower minimum unit should be higher. Considering that Steem might actually grow much bigger than we assume above, the issue will be even more significant. Of course, unless there is something wrong with my understanding of the system or maybe this is not a big issue technically (maybe a HF can deal with it?) … Then, do let me know. 


If 1 Bitcoin equals 100,000,000 Satoshi, then let 1 Steem equal 1,000,000 Dan? 

If we are to have a smaller minimum unit (I don’t know how…), maybe it’s time to discuss the name?  :D

images sources: pixabay (1,2,4); 3 from here.

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🍵 老道茶館 🍵-請上坐,喝杯茶,說點事;聊聊旅行吧! 🍵 LAODR Tea House [beta]🍵 170531



🍵 老道茶館 🍵-請上坐,喝杯茶,說點事 🍵 LAODR Tea House [beta]🍵 170324

先前茶館帖請見 #laodr-teahouse 標籤內… 

For English customers, see here…  


放假許久,這兩天會忙一點,但還是開了,跟大家敘敘!延續R爸好主意,指定個話題,就談談旅行吧!要是想問我這次歐洲行具體事情的,也可以問,感想就不好說了,我回來後還沒時間發照片與感想的文章呢… 但大家聊聊自己的旅行經驗吧!


  • 旅行,常常是讓你回頭檢視、思考自己所處生活的絕佳時機 … 你也有這種經驗嗎?

  • 旅行,你也可以談談具體的,哪裡好去?好玩?好吃?旅行的秘訣等等 …

  • 還是聊聊,以後想不想到外太空去旅行?哈哈哈….





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Daily Funny - A Ring Doing Rings Movement

Yesterday I took a photo of a funny subway ring on Taipei Metro. It looks like a subway ring is doing a gymnastic rings movement - hanging its body in the air … So, that’s a ring doing rings movement ..


Zooming out …. 


This is what professionals do (photo source) … Actually looks alike, don’t they?


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