Question about Steem #2 ... in Chinese... 對於使用steemit的一些問題

兩天前用英文提出一些對於steem的問題(Quesions about Steem),是比較概念性的,只有 @ajvest 好心的回答了,但他幾乎回答了我全部的問題,感謝他!

現在,感謝 #cn 的崛起,我可以用中文問一些比較實際操作的問題,我相信一定有很多初階者跟我有同樣的問題,希望有人能協助一下。

Q1. 我們可以去點任何一個使用者,右上方會有一個Follow跟Mute的選擇,我只用過Follow(按完會變成UnFollow),應該就是跟蹤此人的post的意思,但為何從來不覺得有任何地方可以看到我Follow了誰,或是這些我追蹤的人的新文章出現?另外,Mute又能有何用?

Q2. 看到好文章,是否系統內沒有任何現存的bookmark系統,只能自己另外紀錄?這樣對於訊息的累積真的很不便。

Q3. 看過有人提到可以轉steem/steem dollar給其他人,表單內卻沒看到任何可以操作的選項?

Q4. 使用@提及某人,似乎是便於此文閱讀者找到此人,被提及的人似乎並不知情?亦即你不會知道也不能搜尋是否你被別人提及?

Q5. 我之前都使用imgsafe.com來傳圖片,似乎後來都不能用了?

Q6. 如果steem號稱是要取代facebook的新一代社群網站,那怎麼似乎沒有"好友"的功能?這樣社群要怎麼建立呢?

Thank you! 謝謝!

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謝謝 #cn 的朋友們以及一點觀察與想法


我想這不是我的功勞,這只代表了我比較早到,在中文使用者崛起過程中受惠而已。因為過去一周多時間,我確實用心寫了一些英文文章,但cashout少得可憐,雖然分享本身是很棒的,但看到0.00還是多少會被打擊。這次經驗讓我意識到,可能更早期steem圈內(english articles)就是這種樣貌-隨意寫都能獲得一定肯定。而最近可能就是中文圈再重現早期steem的情況吧。躬逢其盛,參與歷史,深感榮幸。不過,不能只是說謝謝來獲得報酬。分享我一些followup觀察與想法:


  • 英文文章有人去分析何時post是最佳的,這跟使用者在地球上的分布與作息有關,目前當然是美國為主。未來,中文帖的最佳時間可能就會變了,這對於在亞洲時區的使用者是好事 (這應該也會影響 #cn 的tag排名)

  • 如果去看trending類別,看其中幾個tag,會發現 #cn 最高payout都只在兩位數(除非是英文帖用了 #cn ),其他很多都可以到四位數,這可能代表未來 #cn 有非常大的發揮空間!


  • 我想大家來沒有不在乎報酬的,無論是形式上的肯定或是實質(加一點想像)的報酬,所以很關心關於各種複雜的steem, steem power, steem dollar的意義以及發文的分配機制等等。但我只是想提倡一種「先行者責任意識」,就是要把社群的長遠發展放在心裡,譬如,有些關於如何套利、鑽漏洞等資訊,可以的話盡量不要多談或upvote,否則對於steem中文社群的發展可能是不好的。這點大陸朋友可以多談談,畢竟大陸網民會是這個社群的主要主導者。長遠發展的正面想法,例如 @xiaohui 想寫小說的想法,就非常正面,而且他很光明磊落,先說了想法,不怕別人跟進(難道只有預告片而已? XD)

工作還得要忙,先寫到這,感謝你的閱讀,期待更多交流與好想法。Gee… I am so excited!

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Saying hi to friends from mainland China 朋友們你好啊!

I am so surprised and glad that @xiaohui proposed a #cn tag 3 days ago hoping to create a Steem community in Chinese (it is at the top 4 tag position at the moment, way to go!). After all, writing and reading in English indeed cost me more time than in my native language (for those who don’t know: traditional Chinese used in Taiwan and Hong Kong and simplified Chinese used in mainland China are 98% the same). But of course I will still read and write English since this is the best way to connect to the world. But for now I am going to use Chinese to say hi to a potentially huge steem Chinese community.




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Before the arrival of digital utopia, imagination is our only limitation

Could the promising brand new prospects brought about by the #blockchain technology and the like suddenly fall apart overnight?

It could. Nobody knows for sure what adversity lies ahead in the future. Beta, VHS, PicturePhone, PDA, Nokia… those were all once promising and huge for quite sometime.

However, you can have all well grounded, nicely reasoned, rigorously calculated reasons to have logical doubts about blockchain or the plausible new digital world it claims to enable. But don’t forget, we are living in a world that used to believe that the Earth is flat, gold is the only source of value and the idea of sending a person’s voice through wire is considered witchcraft.

Cycle of Acceptance can describe how people react to "bad news" (to the old world, new is bad).

What makes you so confident that this time is different? People may have different answers to this question. But for me…

This time, the technology is going to change fundamentally the way people engage with each other.

Previous technological advancements, even iphones, despite their tremendous influences on making the world as it is today. They did not change how society operates - they bring voices, images, videos, and computing capacities to individuals, making him/her so powerful, but did not change the game rules - big companies, political games, manipulation, capitalism, human miseries… all the same like 50 years ago.

Then blockchain comes along - maybe by accident, maybe destined - and enlightens us how the world can be a better place. A place with higher level of trust. A place where people are truly set free and empowered. The world #fintech is seriously misleading. This IS a much bigger thing: It could re-define how next century will look like. Actually I am a bit pessimistic about how lately tech advancements like robots, AIs, gene tech will affect the world - I don’t trust the human minds behind these powerful technologies because these minds are selected by old and dirty game rules. If technology progress is an inevitable fate of us, I will say that blockchain is the angel that can save us from a self-destructing spiral. Because equality, trust, and even collective good are encrypted in its spirit.

This new world needs us to be imaginative, to be bold, to be creative, with love.

Think about how smart contracts can re-define how people work together: modern companies, proven to be efficient in exploiting the division of labor, may one day be obsolete and replaced by project-based virtual collaboration among suitable people (and AIs, robots) around the globe. Think about how micro payment mechanism can make wonderful things happen that were once hampered by greedy middleman - say supporting any specific African children with any spare resources you have (of course this will require the elimination of digital gap somehow). Of course, think about how exchange/share of ideas can be coupled with value creation and encourage collective wisdom (yeah! #Steem rocks!)… You can go on and on. Then we will be surprised how we have being living a modern life in ancient ways for such a long time!

Thank you for reading so far. I hope more people can share their imagination about the future here.

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Treat of Tokyo 2 - a collection of cuisine, see what the city can offer you...

I love Tokyo - the food, the city, the neatness, the logic, the culture and the history.

Shared some of my collection a couple days ago (yes, by collection I mean I had tried all of them).

Treat of Tokyo

Here are some more! Again, if you want to know which restaurant behind these photos, let me know. I will be happy to share.

Oh, by the way, the first dessert is … literally the best I’ve ever had in my life (I am not into desserts at all)

#cuisine #travel #japan #tokyo #asia #dessert #treat #noodles

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Questions about Steem ... welcome every answer and opinions

dear all, been here for some time but not really long… from time to time I ponder over how STEEM might develop in the future and most of the time feel confused… so try to get some good answers from you steemians.

Q1. Can a group of people manipulate the system? for example, if somehow a group of, say 100, people with strong connection in real world, say a MLM team, can they come here and upvote/discuss within only their group? I mean of course I know they can, but can they thus exploit the system so that they get a lot cashout in return but they hardly contribute to the community?

Q2. Is language going to be an issue for STEEM? I mean right now almost all popular posts are in English, but as steem moves on it no doubt will develop globally. Then the language issue will kick in, how is it going to affect the system? Is it going to be divided into many blocks determined by languages?

Q3. Is there going to be a market place for knowledge (or any intagible item that can be exchanged over internet) transaction? Since the uniqueness of STEEM is its currency/reward system incorporated, it will be quite a waste if it is only used to give out reward. Because content production and the currency system can be easily implemented to enable a market for knowledge exchange/service with price. It will go much further than facebook not just in terms of rewarded content creation.

Thank you for all the answers and comments!

#steem #steemabuse #language #marketplace

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