Re-voting My Witnesses 重新投票見證人

Re-voting My Witnesses 重新投票見證人

螢幕快照 2018-09-19 下午11.15.19.png

Last night I took some time to reconsider my witness votes and I had not changed my votes for at least more than half an year! Recently I saw some voices urging Steemians to vote for witness as this activity is so fundamentally important like casting votes to democracy… So, I decided to do it when I have time and last night I did.

The main changes I made to my votes are - 1) removing some inactive witnesses (wow, there were A LOT! sorry for keeping those inactive votes for so long~~~); 2) voting for new (relatively) witnesses from the CN community, especially for Partiko, an amazing Steem mobile UI; 3) voting for someone I know that started witness job after my last vote adjustment (like @kevinwong)

The biggest difference between this voting and last voting is that …. wow! now I almost all have good reasons for voting someone as a witness of Steem and that’s something I did not have before - I vote for those who looks like influential users or just famous, most likely just because they were sitting at the top 20 places. This change is really great and it means that now I have a deep enough understanding of the platform and I can make it better with my limited own Steem Powers. How cool is that?

It seems I still have two spots available that I have not yet figured out whom to vote. Not a big SP holder, but feel free to recommend anyone to me.

Review your own witness list now if you haven’t done it for a long time! ^^

昨晚我想到一件待辦之事:重新檢視我的見證人名單。主要是,我真的太久沒有更動了!然後,一直惦記著要去投Partiko一票的(順便把 @skenan給XX了) … 終於昨晚想到又剛好有空,於是就花了一些時間來檢視一下。哇!看到很多我投的已經不活躍的見證人,真是太不好意思了,浪費許多票~~

主要更動如下:1) 去除不活躍見證人(不活躍不投也不會不好意思了);2) 把中文區見證人都投了(有漏請跟我說);3) 捕投一些新出現的見證人




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