有隻好心的小鯨魚 @juneaugoldbuyer 現在在Steem大放送,要鼓勵新人。所以,如果你有至少2篇posts,請去該帖留言互動(請用英文吧,不知道留中文他算不算),他會點讚留言之外,並去為你最新的文章點讚。大概對你會有略多於$0.25+$0.25的鼓勵囉!不多,但總比小魚們辛苦半天只有$0.0x好多了。文章沒說截止時間,所以去玩玩吧!也別忘了對他點讚囉!
Free Steem GiveAway !!!! Im doing this because I think we need to get more Steem in the hands of newbies.
在此也再次感謝 @juneaugoldbuyer 這位六月澳大利亞淘金客的正義之舉!Many thanks to @juneaugoldbuyer again! You are another Robin Hood!
For English users, Google translate if you want to know. Or just click on the above link. You will understand. ˊ
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