🔥 [Steem Torch] Got it from @oflyhigh and pass it on to @team-cn  🔥 [Steem火炬實驗] 下一棒:新手村  🔥

🔥 [Steem Torch] Got it from @oflyhigh and pass it on to @team-cn 🔥 [Steem火炬實驗] 下一棒:新手村 🔥

Last night, I checked my account and found that my wallet seemed to have more STEEMs than it should. It was due to a big transfer from @oflyhigh… but why!? Oh, the memo said something about the Steem Torch … what is that? So I dig it out. This is a very interesting project initiated by @geekgirl, check her original and followup post:

Steem Torch - Social Experiment on Steem
Steem Torch

I am the 25th person on the list (quite an honor I must say, especially during Steem’s third birthday ) and now I am passing it on to @team-cn - the most active community of Chinese speaking users on Steem - so the whole community can know them a little bit better!

The following part will be in Chinese.


螢幕快照 2019-03-24 上午10.21.05.png

於是我好奇地研究了一下,詳情可以參考這兩篇發起人 @geekgirl的文章:

Steem Torch - Social Experiment on Steem
Steem Torch


  • Steem Torch是由 @geekgirl受到比特幣閃電網絡類似項目啟發而發起的!透過一棒接一棒的轉移與增加資金,目的大概是希望展現我們區塊鏈社區成員的可信任與區塊鏈的效率
  • 每個收到Steem Torch轉帳的人,應該選擇一位他信任且還活躍的社區成員,把收到的資金轉給他,附上相關說明的memo,並且“不減少”整筆資金,增加也以1 STEEM為上限(但後似乎是有人沒看清楚規則,非常大方地增加金額,所以這一條算是廢了?)
  • 達到1337人次後,此人可以任意處置這筆資金,捐給慈善或是詢問社區如何利用都是可以的~~(為何是1337,我還沒查出)


所以,我就決定轉給CN新手村, @team-cn,讓他們有一些曝光機會!(原先是想轉出CN區了,畢竟也是得花錢)

我也只增加1 STEEM,因為這最符合原先的精神(其實是想省錢),呵呵呵~~

🔥🔥🔥 新手村!那接下來就看你們火一把囉!~~ 🔥🔥🔥

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