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[北投行走] 煙霧繚繞的地熱谷 Thermal/Hell Valley in Beitou

[北投行走] 煙霧繚繞的地熱谷 Thermal/Hell Valley in Beitou

This post shares my visit to Thermal Valley (aka Hell Valley) in Beitou, Taipei. This place is historically one of Taiwan’s 12 Great Sites. The springs at Thermal Valley have the highest temperatures in the Datun Mountains area, giving off an eerie sulphuric steam that rises from the surface of the pond that plays around in the breeze. It is a very cool place to visit if you decide to go to Beitou and enjoy the hot spring there.



地熱谷是一處硫氣及溫泉的出口,位在台灣北投中山路的陽明山山谷窪地,當地人又稱「磺水頭」或「鬼湖」[1] ,因長年蒸氣瀰漫、熱氣騰騰,使人聯想成恐怖的地獄。早年亦曾有遊客失足跌入高溫泉水中,被活活燙死,因而另有別名「地獄谷」。在日治時期,地熱谷被評為台灣八景十二勝之一,有「磺泉玉霧」美譽。原因是日出晨光照射在溫泉冒起的蒸氣,幻化出變化多端的光影,如身處如夢似幻的仙境當中。泉水清澈微綠似玉,所以有人稱為「玉泉谷」。


我感覺下次去,我可以在這裡待很久… 一直看這些繚繞的煙霧就很有療癒效果,只是怕這些氣體是不是吸太多不好而已… ^^


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