Huge whale account on binance got hacked caused the crypto market to free fall

Huge whale account on binance got hacked caused the crypto market to free fall

Huge whale account on binance got hacked. All alts sold at market price, this caused a dump for at least 20 alts. Hackers changed all BTC into monero, so #XMR price pumped. Safe your accounts, dont fall into binance pishing sites! This is why the flash crash. Hackers stole btc and moved to #via coin. Many others accounts affected are reporting they were hacked




巨大的鯨魚帳戶遭到黑客入侵。所有以市場價出售的交易所,這造成了至少20個交易所的轉儲。黑客把所有的BTC都變成了monero,所以#XMR價格被抽了出來。保護您的帳戶,不要陷入binance pishing網站!這就是為什麼閃存崩潰。黑客盜取了btc並轉移到#via硬幣。受影響的許多其他帳戶是報告他們被黑客入侵

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