Learn DNS like a 5 year old

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It turns out the new job requires deep understanding on how the DNS works. I have a barely shallow idea on it and trying so hard in finding useful resource online to top up some practical knowledge. The first one is really a great example of showcase how to “Explain like I’m 5”(ELI5) on any subject, even a very technical one like DNS. How DNS Works illustrates possibly the full process of DNS lookup via a series of lightly animated comic. Super interesting! And if you need more depth in that topic, DNS for Rocket Scientists is another great resource to consume.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/learn-dns-like-a-5-year-old/

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Steemfest4 in Asia at last! Go, or not?

The coming Steemfest4 has been announced and finally this time it will be hosted somewhere very nearby my living place, Thailand!

I always wanted to attend the previous Steemfest when during my first and second year here on Steem, but the expensive air ticket has been a really effective reason(or excuse) not to make it happen. It seems like this won’;t be the case anymore this time. Ironically, while I still care about Steem very much and in fact I’ve never been so deep into Steem since I’m taking a big part in @epicdice, my enthusiasm for Steemfest is somehow diluted, strangely. However, since the air ticket cost is much more friendly, at least I will put myself in a neutral position now before making a decision.

At last, check this epic game(referral link) out and be the cool kid in town!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/steemfest4-in-asia-at-last-go-or-not/

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Great way to procrastinate

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One of the most effective procrastination tasks is to choose wallpaper. I personally do not surfing cool photo site like Unsplash without setting a countdown timer. Tons of great photo from a bunch of awesome photographers which anyone can use, for free.

Apply this technique in the middle of a busy schedule, it works wonders and you would be amazed how fast time can actually pass, at the time totally delaying the important task that matters!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/great-way-to-procrastinate/

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Everything is bulling except Steem

Exhausting first week

Just passed my first week in the new job with way longer travel time. It was more exhauting than I thought it would be, completely skipped my workout schedule in the week days, and I have not even start to take up the real responsibility yet! I guess I just got too comfortable on the previous job and this is the result of staying in my little comfort zone for too long. Nothing is wrong with the new job scope and in fact, I like what I’m about to hand on in the coming tasks.

Recent bull on the crypto market

I went from scrolling endlessly in the crypto-subreddit, and checking out Coinmarketcap everyday just to keep up with the latest news and trend in this ever-changing space, to a chilled monk who just casually check out the price whenever I was reminded by external factor. Had no a single clue what was behind this recent bull, probably market cycle could explain everything. It doesn’t matter what cause it to rise, as long as it is rising.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/everything-is-bulling-except-steem/

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Move on from the first job

My first proper job as a professional since graduation has finally comes to an end yesterday. Many asked me how long I will take for a break before starting next job, the answer is two days. Yes, I mean the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. This was mainly due to the next job requires my presence asap but anyhow it would make much sense to take a longer break in between a job switching.

The real break comes after retirement, let’s work toward it.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/move-on-from-the-first-job/

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What hot DAPP on steem that you haven't try yet?


By the definition of hot DAPP, I mean those which you can easily see everyone is mentioning be it at the trending page or from your own news feed. I have a list of hot DAPP on Steem that I haven’t tried yet and here it is:

  • Steemmonster: I love card games. In fact, I’m actively playing on my mobile phone every day. Not playing this one probably was due to I felt I was “left-out” and lost the first mover advantage that I didn’t start the journey the moment I spotted this game.

  • Drugwars: I’m lazy and learning new game rules is definitely outside of comfort zone. No regret so far as I noticed this game is constantly changing the rules, which I don’t think is a good idea to run a game like this.

  • Magicdice: And any other gambling platforms. I’m losing appetite for gambling starting the day I realise that the house is unbeatable in the long run.

What is your list?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/what-hot-dapp-on-steem-that-you-havent-try-yet/

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