100 Posts Milestone achieved! 发文一百篇

100 Posts Milestone achieved! 发文一百篇


I was always thinking what should be the good measurement to record my milestone on Steemit? Definitely not the number of followers, we all know that an at least 80% of our followers are low-quality(those who post bad content, following 99999 people, resteem all day without posting, or just merely an irrelevant bot) who we can just live without. I’m in no interest of celebrating the ‘misleading’ figure like the others do.

Post count however, is a perfect milestone to record my journey here. I’ve spent hours on creating the content and 100 posts could represent a tremendous amount of my invested time. Assuming I spent three hours on each, that would be 300 hours accumulated since the day I joined Steemit in July 2017.

These are the achievements that tagged along with the 100 posts milestone:

  • Earned a total of approximately 1400 Steem, which equals to $2464 at the current price.
  • 514 followers. There still a good amount of valuable followers whom I appreciate the most.
  • 59 reputation
  • Made 19 artworks. This is what I’m was really glad about. Steemit just gave me the best reason to pick up the brush since years of getting away from it. Following are the artworks that I created and most of them were the entries for drawing contests. I won SBD from the prizes, and I won the happiness in the process!

我时常在想在这里有什么值得纪念的里程碑? Followers 数量是我看过最多人作为庆祝的标志之一,但我很不以为然。我们都知道,每个人的 Followers 中起码有八成是低素质户口(发文质素堪忧,成天 resteem 却不发文,追随 99999 人,或是完全不知所云的机器人等等等等),没有这些追随者我们也丝毫不受影响。只是有些人看到自己老是涨不高的 Followers 会有点不开心。

所以追随者数量不会是我想庆祝的事物。但是 发文量就不同了。

我自问这段日子都花了不少时间在每篇文章上,100 篇的发文量要是每篇平均花了三个小时的话,四个月里那可是累积了 300 小时的创作啊。这对从不文字创作的我绝对是一大奇迹,也很庆幸我做到了,还越来越习惯和享受。

以下是伴随着 发文100 里程碑 的一些副成就

  • 总共赚了 1400 Steem 的稿费,以目前的价格是 2464 美金。

  • 收获 514 个追随者。虽然觉得这指标不重要但是里面也包含了很多高素质的用户,衷心感谢。

  • 59 声誉。

  • 创作了 19 副艺术作品。这也是让我最兴奋的成就之一。要知道在这之前我可是画笔高阁了好些年,是 Steemit 让我心中的色彩破茧而出,以下做个小展览好好回顾一下。它们多数都是 Steemit 绘画比赛的参赛作品。奖金里我赢得了 SBD,过程里我得到了快乐!

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