2017 summary 一年总结

2017 summary 一年总结


This is the last day of 2017 and I shall the great timing to conclude my overall personal achievement throughout the year.

Thanks for the nomination from @angelina6688 to take part in this meaningful event. Definitely a healthy habit to constantly look back at what we’ve achieved at a yearly basis.


2017 has been an awesome year for me financially. Stepped into the world of cryptocurrency from June, I’ve tripled my net worth to SGD 70k thanks to the awesome performance of Bitcoin and altcoins.

I had a non-written goal starting this year which is to make extra SGD 20k excluding my salary. To be honest I had no clue how should I achieve this, but always keeping the money-minder focus, things seemed to worked out unexpectedly well.


My career life has been normal like past few years. In fact, as I devoted most of my free time in cryptocurrency, this had somehow drew my energy away from my work. At some point of time I even thought my current job was being redundant as I found that you can easily make more in the virtual world than what I could in this job.

After all, as an system administrator I finally figured that this can be the most suitable job to combine with my new passion in cryptocurrency. Love my job again.


Had a minor fracture on my left wrist pulled me back from my prime strength back in 2016. Took out the muscle up from regular exercise and stopped my workout for 3 months was such a pain.

Luckily I managed to resume my workout routine for last couple of months. Gaining back the lost strength definitely feels good.

After all, it has been a really fruitful year for me. Appreciate it 2017!

感谢可人的 @angelina6688 提名我参加由 @yellowbird 发起2017年度steemit中文区《我的2017》年终总结写作活动。回望一年中所有的得失,多么有意义的一件事!


2017 绝对是个人财富大爆发的一年。从年中开始加入币圈投资的开始到现在,个人净资产已经三级跳了。这是完全意想不到的。其实年头心里就有打算今年要赚个新币20k的小计划,但心里当时是完全没谱的,也不知道如何实现。











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