Procreate Digital Art Timelapse - Mountain

Procreate Digital Art Timelapse - Mountain

Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

This is the static picture presentation post. Sorry if you notice sometimes the video is like staying still and not moving at all, it is not a defected timelapse video but I was caught up in a really minor part of the work for quite a while. So here is the tips for beginner digital art creator, don’t zoom in too far to tune things up! You will be ended up spending too much time for a barely noticeable modification LOL.

如果在观看这个视频的某些时刻你发现视频好像静止不动,不是视频出了问题,而是这期间我不小心/忘我的专注的在某个小角落浪费了太多时间来修改,导致甚至在 Timelapse 中都看不到太大的整体变化。所以数码艺术的新手们,记住这个教训咯!

▶️ DTube

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