Any worthwhile crypto event to attend?

Any worthwhile crypto event to attend?

Other than a few Steem meetups, I do not recall attending any crypto event like seminars, workshops or talks. Located in the crypto-friendly country like Singapore, I keep telling myself maybe I should really lift my arse up the computer chair and get a real life in the real crypto event. Did not have any idea where to look for, I proceeded to google the upcoming event in the city. Turns out the Eventbrite has things nicely organised in a list as follow:


Looking at the list, my unconscious reluctant mind keep asking questions like “Cryptocurrency masterclass? Sounds boring.” “What dahell is this? Is it even a topic?” “Do I really need to go to these events to learn or something new” “This information is everywhere on the Internet…”

Some are event teaching the topic like how to spot the 10X ICO. Okay, such claiming maybe a really efective clickbait in real life but is it the really beneficial to those who barely know what is blockchain technology?


Very not appropriate. I wouldn’t recommend my Mom to attend these events because she might be shilling the shitcoins by selling away every penny she has and probably sell away our house.

I’m not saying crypto event is bad but in fact I see more value in them if they were carried out by prominent figures like the famous Vitalik who frequently appears in Singapore. Or it could be project team which I’m interested in giving a talk in the town. That way I would greatly reduce the risk of running into some boring or even poisonous crypto seminars available all the time out there.

After all, internet feeds me with crypto information well enough. Why looking elsewhere?

Are you a crypto weak hand?

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