Are you still waiting for a crash 比特币的最佳入场时机

Are you still waiting for a crash 比特币的最佳入场时机

I was the first amongst my friends to invest in cryptocurrency, it all started from a shady money game from May 2017.

May 18, 2017: BTC = $1892 Starting I was still comparing current price the dirt cheap price a few years ago when bitcoin was priced at a few hundred dollar. Bought some anyway after realizing how powerful is the blockchain technology.

June 01, 2017: BTC = $2351 Just over two weeks, the price broke through the 2k level. And I told my girlfriend, I missed those days when I can buy a whole bitcoin from my monthly saving, now I almost can’t afford one with my full month salary.

August 09, 2017: BTC = $3261 As my confidence level going up with the price, I started to persuade friends to look into this innovative blockchain technology, perhaps they can invest in a small amount using the spare money. They didn’t buy my advice.

October 27, 2017: BTC = $5786 Seeing the ever-rising price, some of them starting to consult me the way to buy bitcoin. Told me they will buy after the next correction as the price were too high at the moment. My response was, if you plan to invest it in long term it doesn’t matter what price you were buying now. They insisted on waiting.

November 03, 2017: BTC = $7277 We’re hitting all-time high again within a week. I screenshot the current price and sent it to my still-waiting friend and asked: “Now you tell me, what price is too high?”

Image from Pixabay


May 18, 2017: BTC = $1892 当时天天把价格和数年前几百块一个的白菜价比特币比较,觉得现在真的好贵。但是了解区块链技术的强大后,还是花钱买了一些。

June 01, 2017: BTC = $2351 才过了半个月,价格就突破了两千大关。我和女友说,刚开始买入时用存下来的月薪还可买到一个比特币,现在就快一个月的工钱都买不起一个了。

August 09, 2017: BTC = $3261 八月初,看着价格不断欣欣向荣,我也开始游说身边的朋友有闲钱的话可以买一点来投资,顺带解释区块链的前瞻性。可惜他们对这新科技好象兴趣不大。

October 27, 2017: BTC = $5786 十月尾端,对比特币慢慢敞开心房的几个朋友,开始问我购买比特币的管道,还说现在的价格太高,等稍微调整过后就会入场。我说要买就买不用想太多,放长远投资的不看这一点微利,无果。

November 03, 2017: BTC = $7277 不到一个星期,价格再创历史新高,这走势猛烈得我也有点无言以对。对着还在等待 “入场时机” 的友人们,我把价格截图给他们问道,你告诉我,什么才算价格太高?

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