Average weather in Macau

Average weather in Macau

Today was officially our last day in Macau and we had the weather between the good and bad. Cloudy all day but no rain. Which is not bad at all expect a little more sunlight would do the photography session a huge favor. But we cannot ask for more, given the painful experience of rainy day yesterday.


My second time to visit the great Tian Tan Buddha. Spectaculous as usual and we had a pretty ragnarok atmostphere given the misty and cloudy weather.


A wondeful formation of tall tree trunks standing with buddisht scriptures sculptured on the surface.


Small store nearby our hotel that operates til late hours and supplies my late night alcohol for a several nights.


Would you look at how affordable these beers are?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/average-weather-in-macau/

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