Bear market like this only makes STEEM more outstanding 熊市让Steem更突出了

Bear market like this only makes STEEM more outstanding 熊市让Steem更突出了

I stopped trading altcoins for almost a month now. Why? Because all the altcoins are at a deep loss as most of them were last traded when the total market cap was at 800B. I’m not panic nor worry about this situation as I knew this could happen prior to doing those trades. All this bear market means to me is that I could take a short break until the market is recovered.

And I have a list of altcoins that I believe will have a long-term value, I put them into private wallets and do not trade them at all. They serve as a long-term investment asset to me. Value of that list plunged of course with the market. There is nothing I can do about it other than waiting for the bear out of the market.

Steem, however, still providing value to me no matter how the market does


I’ve been on this platform for more than 5 months, writing something every day on it has already become part of my routine. Started when Steem was at $1, been to ATH $8, still continue my journey at current $4. No matter how bad is the crypto market now, my investment in Steem keeps generating income non-stop.

  • Everyone still got the free 20% Voting Power to spend, combined with SP, this outputs wealth.
  • I still got curation reward by participating in other’s posts.
  • I still got author reward by creating contents and commenting.
  • My Stemm Power still receiving dividend by Steem inflation.

Even better, I got more SP in reward as Steem price went down recently.

I believe Time is the best touchstone for a coin’s value. A great coin/project must be able to deliver despite bear or bull market, like a self-sustaining machine. I’m glad that Big bear market like this makes me realized Steem is way more durable and profitable than expected.

Keep creating!

已经停止交易货币近一个月了,原因很简单,那就是因为市场这一阵子的大跌把全部货币套住了。我其实是不慌的,这样的情况之前也不是没遇到过,只是这次熊市似乎维持更久。再者,交易之前当然也知道这样的情况一定会发生,所以也不存在 panic sell 的情形,当放个小假等市场回复吧。

在众多我长期持有的货币当中,Steem 在这时就显出威力了。

因为在这样的大熊市,Steem 依然不断的为我创造价值。

  • 每天自动回复的 20% Voting power 再加上 Steem Power 就是源源不绝的财富输出。
  • 我依然从评论和文章中赚取作者奖励。
  • 我依然从从点赞别人的文中赚取 Curation 奖励。
  • 我的 Steem Power 依然每天根据 Steem 区块链的通膨而得到分红。

更好的是,在 Steem 低价的现在我所能得到的 SP 奖励更多了。所谓路遥知马力,真正验证一个币的实力就是时间。而 Steem 充分展现了无论在牛市还是熊市都可以同样产生价值的属性!

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