Biggest bank in Singapore thinks Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme

Biggest bank in Singapore thinks Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme

“We see bitcoin as a bit of a Ponzi scheme,” David Gledhill, group chief information officer and head of group technology and operations at Development Bank of Singapore(DBS).

He also does not think that getting into the world of bitcoin will create a competitive advantage for the bank, mainly due to bitcoin inefficiency in term of expensive transaction fees recently.

It’s a shame for a prominent figure in the biggest bank in Singapore will stand against bitcoin. Not sure though if he is the bitcoin or the blockchain technology. Maybe he has to say what he has to say for being in his position, after all the bitcoin was created with the motto “Unbank the bank”. I’m a big believer in the blockchain, and currently the world has shown the same trust via bitcoin billions worth market cap.

Of course bitcoin has its own problems to solve. Endless hardforks, ridiculously expensive fee, unbearable long transaction time, questionable scalability, and so on. Bitcoin has gained the largest market cap mainly because it was the first ever cryptocurrency being created. Many outsiders still regard the bitcoin as the signboard for the digital currency, while there are actually hundreds of better coins out there competing in the market.

Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme? Those who said this is either playing smart trying to scare away the uneducated, or being too dumb to be ignorant.

Bitcoin might not be the last one standing ten years later, but blockchain is here to stay for sure.

新加坡最大银行,DBS 的首席信息官 David Gledhill 早日发表对比特币的看法,说这不过是一场庞氏骗局,银行的运作并不会因为参与这项技术而获得有利优势,还顺带提了最近吓人的交易费用为例子。




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