Birthday party in a yacht 私人游艇里的生日派对

Birthday party in a yacht 私人游艇里的生日派对


Thanks to my girlfriend we were invited to her wealthy friend’s(let’s call him Y) private birthday party on a private yacht. This is not the private yacht party with full of bikini hot girls and endless food and drinks that you expected in Hollywood movies, but a truly simple celebration for a couple of us. Everything started off Y wanted to celebrate her girlfriend in a deluxe suite in Singapore but mostly were reserved due to the busy holiday season. So Y “had no choice” but to settle with one of the private yacht services he could find. Told you he is rich.

托我女友的福,她的土豪朋友,Y,邀请了我们去参加他女友在游艇上的庆生会。首先,这只是个简单的庆生会,并不是你想象中的好莱坞式的游艇派对,各种比基尼美女和源源不绝的饮食提供,抱歉不是这回事。为何选择在游艇上?皆因 Y 想在新加坡寻找一间豪华的酒店套房来帮女友庆生却因为假期高峰期很多酒店都客满了,所以他“无奈之下”只好租了艘游艇。都说了是土豪吧。

A night in Ferretti 630

We only spent a night on this Ferretti 630. According to the official site, it costs a whopping 4000 Pounds to rent for a day but Y told me he only spent about 1000 Singapore Dollar, still not cheap though!

我们只在这艘 Ferretti 630 过一夜。根据官网一天的租金为令人乍舌的4000英镑,但是 Y 说他只花了将近1000新币,这种消费对我来说还是属于土豪的行为。


From the top of yacht. The Yacht was parked here in the corner all night long. We didn’t sail out due to the weather and probably sailing is not included in the package for the lower price we’ve paid.



The captain control seat is prohibited since we are not sailing and there are only us on the yacht during the renting period.


The master cabin presents an open view window.


The master cabin aka the “living room” in the yacht. Spacious enough for 5 of us. Karaoke system is the only entertainment facility that we’ve enjoyed. Gotta tune down the volume in the night as the sound isolation is not that good and we may affect our neighbors in the bay.


The bedroom


*There is four sleeping cabins in the yacht and our host was generous enough to leave us the biggest room for the night.


We have a toilet in the room which is compact but fully functional.


Even if the yacht is parking in the bay all night long, you can still feel the swinging with the waves. Looking through these windows can help the little dizziness as I’m not used to the swinging.



Finally thanks for the hospitality of our host! Excuse me for the aftermath, this is taken right before we left the yacht as well as most of the other photos because we were busy having fun the night before.


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