Bitwarden - Safest, easiest, and free password manager

Bitwarden - Safest, easiest, and free password manager


Safest, easiest, and free password manager



Hunter’s comment

I was a seasoned Lastpass user for years and I ditched it and go for Bitwarden for so many obvious reasons. Bitwarden has the best combination of ease and safety amongst all the competitors including 1Password, Dashlane, LastPass and even the Keepass!

It is Easiest


  • Bitwarden is cross-platfrom. From the desktop Windows, Linux, macOS to the mobile Android, and IOS, user can access to the date from literally anywhere, on any devices!
  • It integrated with all the mainstream web browsers, from Google Chrome to the newest Brave. Now tell me how one cannot access to the data?
  • Unlimited storage of items in the vault.
  • Support credentials like login, secure notes, credit cards, and identities.

It is Safest


  • All data is fully encrypted before it ever leaves the device with top-notch algorithms like salted hashing and PBKDF2 SHA-256.
  • Bitwarden itself would not be able to read your data.
  • Support 2FA and secure password generator

Don’t believe all the points above? You don’t have to. Because Bitwarden is 100% Open-Source!

This means everyone is free to review and audit inside out how exactly is Bitwarden running. If you don’t have the code reading ability, but still want to try the service while making sure everything is under control, you can. Since all the codes is available, you can choose to host the Bitwarden cloud yourself. By this way, no one but only you have all the access to the sentitive data.

It is Free

It’s really free, not a fake “fake trial free”.– from the official site

The quote is funny but true in every sense, I said this after living on Bitwarden service for a few months. Unlike the other password managers, the free plan actually give you everything with zero limitation that sometimes I doubt the need for premium plan if it was just for personal usage.

Easiest + Safest + Free, the recipe for the best password manager.


Hunter: @fr3eze

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