Bringing back the Smartnode after idling for a month

Bringing back the Smartnode after idling for a month

@privex few weeks ago undergo a maintenance periods that they will shut down their servers batch by batch and this is my first time experiencing a downtime in the recent half a year subscription. Amazing uptime!

I start renting this VPS for running my first SmartNode aka a POS miner for SMART cash. I was quite excited having a money-printing machine working in the background 24/7, as it literally mining the SMART coins which worth something back in the day when crypto was a hyped beast.

Lost track of the VPS and miner after months

The first reason, because the excitement quickly washed away as the process was quite linear. I’ve got nothing to do but receiving constant notification that my miner was receiving another payment. Everything is well set up and worry-free.

The other reason, of course, was due to the sinking of crypto market the whole 2018. I was distracted by other more profitable things and was too busy to keep an eye on the monitor bot messages.

Check my miner last running date and it was one month ago. What a shame, where was the promise I gave myself that I will keep mining no matter how the market does?

Resurrection of Smartcash mining

Logging in the VPS and I realized I have lost all the memory how to check the node status, where to check all the config files, etc. Luckily I decided to note down the journey setting up the Smartnode on Steemit. Quickly I was able to retrieve the all-in-one guide and follow it to resurrect the node. Luckily there wasn’t any major update for the last month so the process was rather smooth.


Hail the Smartnode!

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