Byteball airdrop for Steemians, and I will the register fee for you! | 雪球对 Steem 用户空降活动,免费提供注册费!

Byteball airdrop for Steemians, and I will the register fee for you! | 雪球对 Steem 用户空降活动,免费提供注册费!


This is the best news I’ve ever received since the day of holding Byteball. If you never heard of this cool project, I’ve done a brief introduction why it is a great one to join and you can read it here.

Byteball decided to join Steem and do a massive airdrops to the Steemians. It means free money to everyone regardless of your SP, it is based on the account reputation. Sounds even cooler right!

Read more about the post from Byteball’s guy:

What to do?

Disclaimer: Only first-time registration will be entertained. If you are hunting free Bytes, look else where.

今天 Byteball 雪球决定在 Steem 这个平台上大派糖果!只要用 Steem 的身份认证就可以得到免费的雪球。更好的是,空降的份量不看 SP 的持有量,而是声望。这下可好了,人人有份啊!




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