Cheers to the big green day 一片绿

Cheers to the big green day 一片绿


We’ve reached an all-time-high market cap which is $638,678,051,703 as of now. And for the first time, the first 100 coins in the are all in GREEN!

This is kind of “strange” given previously it was just the internal fight between BTC and Altcoins. When the BTC bulls, all Altcoins lie in the bloodbath; The BTC corrects, Altcoins starts to bull. Meanwhile the market cap hovering about the same point.

After all, BTC finally to friend with Alts and they decided to bull together especially the latter. Looking at the ever-increasing total market cap which explains one thing only: people are flooding in cryptocurrency!

Started my journey in crypto by June this year and it has been definitely bumpy. Knowing the importance of diversification I spent much of my initial BTC into various Altcoins. After the bubble during July~August was popped, I wash my face with the tears every once in a while. Today finally they are all back to green, so much pain in the arse looking back at the up and down. Of course, things can become red anytime in this crazy period. I just have to cheer at this comeback while I still can.

May this is a good warm-up for 2018. Keep bulling!

今天第一次在 看到第一页的一百个币种全部是绿色


今天就不一样了,总市值已经突破最高纪录,截稿为止是 $638,678,051,703。这意味着一件事情,全世界的人都涌向币圈!

今年六月是我初踏入币圈的时候,深谙投资之道就是不把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里 ,我和快就将手上多数的比特币换成各路其余币。在七月的其余币“泡沫”爆裂之后,这段日子我不少时间都在以泪洗脸。等到今天终于扬眉吐气了,当然算起来要是保留比特币不换的话现在都半退休了。我知道,在这疯狂的圈子里什么东西都是说变就变。可能明天就全红了也不一定,但是起码在我还能庆祝的时候还是赶紧庆祝一下。

希望这是进入美好的 2018 年的热身,然后大展拳脚吧!

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