Digital Art first attempt - Drawing my big-headed nephew | 数码绘画大头之处女作

Digital Art first attempt - Drawing my big-headed nephew | 数码绘画大头之处女作

Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

I was intented to draw it with realistic style but obviously I failed a little. He looks cuter in the photo than in the drawing but it was a great attempt to print his big head in my first trial of digital art creation. The drawing process is addictive as usual once the basic techniques is being grasped. Lost count of hours poured into the drawing process but I guess it should be around 5 hours. The best thing about Procreate is the built-in timelapse auto recording. Really a handy feature without having me to setup external camera like what I used to do in traditional pen & paper art.

Keep drawing and have fun!

噔噔噔,这就是第一次的数码艺术的创作啦。虽然对写实派的风格来说还是有点小失败,原相片中的侄儿比较起来还是比较可爱,不过作为处女作,算是这样了啦!可喜的是,数码绘画和传统绘画对我来说居然是一样的画起来就物我两忘,还好 Procreate 里有内建的自动记录功能,才不至于错过了这个视频的制作。一时兴起画一画,大约五个小时就过去了。期间还是乐趣无穷的,继续画吧!

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